Category: Synthesizer
A synthesizer (also spelled synthesiser)[1] is an electronic musical instrument that generates audio signals. Synthesizers generate audio through methods including subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, and frequency modulation synthesis. These sounds may be shaped and modulated by components such as filters, envelopes, and low-frequency oscillators. Synthesizers are typically played with keyboards or controlled by sequencers, software, or other instruments, often via MIDI.
CollidingCombSynth is an experimental synthesizer which sounds like bowed string. Equipped with 24 Karplus-Strong string models which…
Full Bucket Music has released Fury-800 v2.0.1, a simulation of the KORG Poly-800, for Windows (VST) and MacOS (AU/VST). Changes…
Kx Synth x16
Kx Synth x16, Kx Modulad, Kx PolyMod, Kx PolyM CSE: Fixed bug: – Oscillators: improvement of PW…
udio Vitamins has released Stochas, a cross-platform polyrhythmic step sequencer in VST and AU plugin formats. Stochas is…
Tonetta Blue
Tonetta Blue for VST is a semi-modular 8-voices polyphonic synthesizer for VST3 (64-bit). The frontside spots two type of…
Wusik ZR
Wusik ZR Wusik is offering the Wusik ZR plugin VST/VST/AU synthesizer as a free download. Wusik ZR uses…
Monica Evo
The first layer’s oscillator is wavetable based with 64 wavetables + additional 64 wavetables for morphing. The…
Add’It is an 8 oscillator additive toy with 4 typical waveforms and a dual SVF multimode filter….
Arido is an additive synthesizer with a simple FM feature and a subtractive filter.It includes a polyphonic driver…
GTG ST 2008.
GTG ST 2008. Pads and FX synth. Based on the MX 2008, a synth for fastand easy creation…
Santa Jussi
Santa Jussi Vocal Synth “Santa Jussi is simply a Christmas:ified version of our popular vocal synthesizer Jussi….
Surrealistic MG-1 Plus
Synth Analogue/Subtractive “The Fat and Funky Sound of the Electronics Super Store Legend, now FREE! The Surrealistic…
Drum Synthesizer | Drums “KickMaker is a synthesizer designed specifically to create good kick drum sounds. It…
Caustic 3
Caustic 3 “Caustic 3 is a music creation tool inspired by rack-mount synthesizers / samplers rigs.Everything is…
Ambient synth | Synth “Esfera is an ambiance and special effects synthesizer. The synth is divided by 3…
Drumatic 3
Drum Synthesizer | Drums “Drumatic 3 is a virtual-analogue drum synthesizerAll sounds are 100% synthetic and allow…
Synth | Synth Analogue/Subtractive “Charlatan is a polyphonic, subtractive virtual analog (VA) synthesizer plugin with focus on…
animal vocalizations | Synth “Fauna produces natural and synthetic animal vocalizations using waveguide modeling techniques. An extensive…
TYRELL N6 For downloads, news articles and support, go to the u-he websiteFor heated debates about u-he…
Windows 32 Downloads Windows 64 Downloads Mac VST/AU Downloads Linux VST 3 Downloads For more info @…