Category: Synthesizer
A synthesizer (also spelled synthesiser)[1] is an electronic musical instrument that generates audio signals. Synthesizers generate audio through methods including subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, and frequency modulation synthesis. These sounds may be shaped and modulated by components such as filters, envelopes, and low-frequency oscillators. Synthesizers are typically played with keyboards or controlled by sequencers, software, or other instruments, often via MIDI.
SE PolyMod KX
SE PolyMod KX Vintage polyphonic synthesizer to build analog 70’s leads! Open SE1, provided with its SE1…
EVM Omicron Synth
EVM Omicron – pad synthesizer module. The EVM Omnicron is a pad synthersizer module designed to replace…
Houston Lite
Over 100 vintage synth sounds ranging from pads, synth basses and synth leads. This is a Lite…
Quilcom ASS
The Quilcom ASS is an Analogue Sounding Synthesiser. It allows you to explore the old debate about…
It was in development by Speedsoft, which has disappeared many years ago. This never-released-still-in-beta FM synth has…
The FB-3200 is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST) and Apple macOS (VST/AU) simulating the KORG PS-3200 Polyphonic…
Disco Polo Synth
It’s a very powerful synthesizer made for all kind of music styles, but most for disco music…
Horror Box
Horror Box Horror Box is a Free Rompler Plugin to create terrifying sound passages. Combine the nine…
Shruti Box
Shruti Box is a traditional Indian instrument. Features: – No Samples used– Classic key switches to enable…
Rebel 2
Klangformer Rebel 2 Lite by !jason Synth / !j development. – Mono & Multi-timbral versions.– Up to…
Cobalt is a VSTi software synthesizer inspired by many of the digital synthesizers from the 1980s. In…
DCO-6 v0.3b – Roland Juno-106 emulator. 64 patch memories. DCO-6 v0.3b for Windows VST is available as a…
Penguin synth
Penguin synth is a free vst synth for windows. The Dubble oscillators can be set to different…
XS-1 SoundFont player
XS-1 SoundFont player XS-1 is a SoundFont2 player plugin originally released in 2001. It’s no longer in…
Attack Phenomen
Attack PhenOmen – free virtual analogue synthesizer in VSTi plugin format for Windows. There are 60 waveforms…
Orch Hit
This Orch Hit virtual instrument has 70 orch hits sounds from various drum machines and keyboards. You…
Two Phase Distortion Oscillator sections each offering two sets of 8 waveforms. Three 8 stage envelopes each…
String Theory
String Theory is a flexible, delay based, physical modeling synth which is capable of a very wide…
M42 Nebula
Combining algorithmic rhythmic elements, giant pad and space sounds which can be manipulated in real time, as…
sINdrone x2 Oscillator EDM/TRANCE Synth. Automation ready, 160 presets, tons of variety in sounds, nicely shaped LFO’s/OSC’s,…