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Category: Synthesizer


synthesizer (also spelled synthesiser)[1] is an electronic musical instrument that generates audio signals. Synthesizers generate audio through methods including subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, and frequency modulation synthesis. These sounds may be shaped and modulated by components such as filters, envelopes, and low-frequency oscillators. Synthesizers are typically played with keyboards or controlled by sequencers, software, or other instruments, often via MIDI.

Q9oldvox 3

Q9 Oldvox

Q9 Oldvox Q9 Oldvox is analogue synthwith powerful configuration.Contains an automatic mode detune. Two separate oscillator and filter and LFO. The synthesizer has a bright warm…

Horus Mkii 3

Horus mkII

Horus mkII Horus mkII is a remade version of Horus string machine.MkII new features: Waveform choice for Strings and LFO. Phaser’s speed coefficient (a pop-up menu…

Meesha Scorpius 3


Scorpius Scorpius is a 3 oscillator analog polyphonic synthesizer. 3 Oscillators (2 + 1 sub osc). 2 LFO’s with routing and host sync. 2 Filters (one…

Gtg Unit1 2

Unit 1 Synth

Unit 1 Synth Unit 1 Synth is an unison oscillator synthesizer for fat basses and leads. Unison oscillator. Stack up to 8 oscillators and detune these for…

Mvx Xtruder 3

XtrudeR M

XtrudeR M XtrudeR M, experimental synth.Some complex new brand morph oscillators (AM+FM+Sync), some filter matrix presets and selectable envelope decay speed. This new synth is a…

Sucker Vst 3 1


Sucker Sucker vst is a 2 oscillators analog synth. 2 Oscillators. Amplifier Envelope. Filter Envelope with modulation cutoff or pitch. Delay, Chorus, Overdrive. LFO with modulation…

Log 3


LOG LOG is a 2 oscillators analog synthesizer.  2 oscillators with Analog Pitch Modulation. 1 Pulse Mod control. Sub Oscillator. Vibrato speed and depht control. Glide…

Minisoftmusik Uniretro 3


Uniretro Uniretro is a hybrid synthesizer featuring innovative sequencing and retrigger capabilities. 3 x Multi-mode oscillators with PM and FM capabilities. 2 x User Envelopes. 2…