Mini-SE Mini-SE is a classic 3 oscillators analog synthesizer. 3 oscillators / 6 waveforms. Noise generator. Mod / LFO. High pass / Low pass filter. ADS…
ULTRAkILLER ULTRAkILLER is a hybrid synth using subtractive and/or additive synthesis.It has 2 oscillators, each of which offers multiple forms of synthesis. They run through 2…
S7 S7 is a very simple single oscillator synthesizer.A no frills easy to use analogue style synthesizer for when that simple sound is required. Be creative…
Stelsi Virtual Synth Stelsi Virtual Synth is a wild and crazy virtual analogue synthesizer unlike any other.Stelsi Virtual Synth is designed and produced exclusively for the band…
THriCe Free THriCe is a 3 Oscillators hybrid synth. OSC 1: Waveforms: Saw, Sawx2, Square, Ramp, THriCe OSC. OSC 2: Waveforms: Sine, Saw, Triangle, Square, THriCe…
Swierk Świerk is a relatively straight forward subtractive synthesizer with familiar sound generators, controls, routing, look and feel. 4 sound generators: 2 oscillators with 3 different selectable…
Pampuls Pampulse is a 2 oscillators synthesizer. 2 Osc, each with octave control and a selection of 7 waveforms. Osc 2 has Transpose, Osc Mix and…
Oberon-8 OBERON-8 is a classic analog polysynth.It has two special oscillators, two envelopes and a special 2-pole dual filter. It works best when you set your…
DA-80 DA-80 is a 4 oscillator, 8 voice analog synthesizer with a modulation matrix.The DA stands for Dirty Analog. Sonically DA-80 can produce analog style sounds similar…
StingerMax StingerMax is a classic 2 oscillator synthesizer.StingerMax adds some extras to the previous Stinger synth, most significant being the analog sequencer, its output able to be…