Category: Synthesizer
A synthesizer (also spelled synthesiser)[1] is an electronic musical instrument that generates audio signals. Synthesizers generate audio through methods including subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, and frequency modulation synthesis. These sounds may be shaped and modulated by components such as filters, envelopes, and low-frequency oscillators. Synthesizers are typically played with keyboards or controlled by sequencers, software, or other instruments, often via MIDI.
Odin is a 12 voice polyphonic,wavetable-based, subtractive, semi-modular synthesizer.The oscillators include a wide variety of waveforms and…
Sounds of old TV games
Sounds of old TV games Sounds of old TV games is a VSTi which adds the sound…
Axons Axons is a virtual analog synthetizer. Poly 8 VCOs (x2). Multi-flavor 24dB LPF/HPF/BPF. Fast envelope (analog slope)….
Patchwork Modular System
Patchwork Modular System XSRDO Patchwork Modular System is a true modular synthesizer.You can choose what modules you want,…
Obzylon Angle is a 3D oscillator synthesizer introducing a normalisation synthesis with feedback to produce two new forms of…
Snorgan Snorgan is a wavetable synth, it combines a waveform from an internal bank of sixteen with a…
Screamer Screamer is a little synthesizer that resembles a legendary TB-303 in sound and features.A rather simple sound…
Komodo Komodo is a semi-modular synthesizer. It has a vast range of self contained synth engines, Virtual Analog,…
Rhythm Rhythm is created on base of the legendsoviet synthesizer Ritm – 2. Made by Kirovsky musical…
200 C
200 C 200 C is a set of Buchla 200 modules. 3 258-style Dual Oscillators. 2 Quad Envelope…
DodecaMax DodecaMax is a set of Buchla 200 modules.This adds to an emulation of the Buchla Dodecamodule the…
BassTard BassTard is a monophonic subtractive synthesizer, designed to put out ground-shattering low frequency content.BassTard was created around…
DEISK-O is a classic monophonic analog synth. Single 2 wave oscillator / external signal: Ramp, Pulse, Ext…
Pandemonium is a hybrid FM synth which uses a bizzare SnH style arpeggiator.The 2 FM oscillators are split up…
Model Pro
Model Pro Model Pro is an emulation of theMoog Prodigy monophonic analog synthesizer . 2 VCOs with sawtooth,…
ODsay ODsay is an ARP Odisseyemulation.The ARP Odissey is a two-oscillator analog synth, and was the one of…
Nerve Nerve is a double oscillator synth.Both rackmount and keyboard version.
EVM GeKo is an additive 16 oscillator synthesizer with digital reverb and delay.
Kruudster Kruudster is a hybrid synthesizer with a lot of modulation capabilities, with drawable low resolution waveforms. 3…