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Category: Synthesizer


synthesizer (also spelled synthesiser)[1] is an electronic musical instrument that generates audio signals. Synthesizers generate audio through methods including subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, and frequency modulation synthesis. These sounds may be shaped and modulated by components such as filters, envelopes, and low-frequency oscillators. Synthesizers are typically played with keyboards or controlled by sequencers, software, or other instruments, often via MIDI.

Efm Mini Se 3


Mini-SE Mini-SE is a classic 3 oscillators analog synthesizer. 3 oscillators / 6 waveforms. Noise generator. Mod / LFO. High pass / Low pass filter. ADS…

Ultrakiller 3


ULTRAkILLER ULTRAkILLER is a hybrid synth using subtractive and/or additive synthesis.It has 2 oscillators, each of which offers multiple forms of synthesis. They run through 2…

Samsaracycleaudio S7 2


S7 S7 is a very simple single oscillator synthesizer.A no frills easy to use analogue style synthesizer for when that simple sound is required. Be creative…

Stelsi 3

Stelsi Virtual Synth

Stelsi Virtual Synth Stelsi Virtual Synth is a wild and crazy virtual analogue synthesizer unlike any other.Stelsi Virtual Synth is designed and produced exclusively for the band…

Thrice Free 3

THriCe Free

THriCe Free THriCe is a 3 Oscillators hybrid synth. OSC 1: Waveforms: Saw, Sawx2, Square, Ramp, THriCe OSC. OSC 2: Waveforms: Sine, Saw, Triangle, Square, THriCe…

Swierk 3


Swierk Świerk is a relatively straight forward subtractive synthesizer with familiar sound generators, controls, routing, look and feel. 4 sound generators: 2 oscillators with 3 different selectable…

Funk Station Pampulse 3


Pampuls Pampulse is a 2 oscillators synthesizer. 2 Osc, each with octave control and a selection of 7 waveforms. Osc 2 has Transpose, Osc Mix and…

Loc Oberon 3


Oberon-8 OBERON-8 is a classic analog polysynth.It has two special oscillators, two envelopes and a special 2-pole dual filter. It works best when you set your…

Da 80 3


DA-80 DA-80 is a 4 oscillator, 8 voice analog synthesizer with a modulation matrix.The DA stands for Dirty Analog. Sonically DA-80 can produce analog style sounds similar…

Stingermax 3 1


StingerMax StingerMax is a classic 2 oscillator synthesizer.StingerMax adds some extras to the previous Stinger synth, most significant being the analog sequencer, its output able to be…