Category: Synthesizer
A synthesizer (also spelled synthesiser)[1] is an electronic musical instrument that generates audio signals. Synthesizers generate audio through methods including subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, and frequency modulation synthesis. These sounds may be shaped and modulated by components such as filters, envelopes, and low-frequency oscillators. Synthesizers are typically played with keyboards or controlled by sequencers, software, or other instruments, often via MIDI.
Texture offers an amazingly wide range of…well…textures.Smooth, odd digital ambiences, metallic rings, synthetic percussion, brutally distorted sounds,…
Rhythm Rhythm is created on base of the legendsoviet synthesizer Ritm – 2. Made by Kirovsky musical…
BasicBat FM synthesizer of the basic elements of drums.Allows modeling bass drums, snares, side sitck and hi-hat, both acoustic and electronic. Visit:…
Orz features 4 envelopes 4 oscillators 4 delay units 4 filters 4 LFOs 4 noise generators 2 ring…
Antopya is mainly made forambient sounds and FX.The main engine is a FM and additive synthesis. Edit…
nSynth1 nSynth1 is a 4 oscillator synthwith drawable waveforms and a pattern generator. 4 Oscillators. 8 Waveforms. 3…
Mx-Jr Mx-Jr is an Oberheim OB-Mxemulation.This emulation is inspired by the real unit circuits but is not aiming…
Arracis Gold
Arracis Gold is an oscillator stepping synthesizer.Its most significant feature is the 4 x 8 osc step-sequencer with…
Alphatron Pro was inspired by the idea of creating a synthesizer forbass and high sequences.Alphatron is not…
CS-358 is a Yamaha CS-series emulation.This emulation is inspired by the real unit circuits but is not aiming…
Devanagari is a hybrid synthusing 4 waves plus 4 oscillators.NOTE: This synth can be CPU hungry… Four sound…
Kobe is a semi-modular synth.It’s limited to 3 voices due to its high resources consumption. 4 analog oscillators…
Emultuition is an FM (to Oscillators and Filters) and Subtractive Synthesizer for all styles of music.It has useful parameters…
Daedalus VA synth. 2 Osc 2 LFO arpeggiator modulation options If you find yourself using Daedalus a lot…
PAL-9000 PAL-9000 is a noise synth, good for special FX and Sci-Fi stuff.The random sequences generated with PAL-9000…
Angle Angle is a 3D oscillator synthesizer introducing a normalisation synthesis with feedback to produce two new forms of…
EVM Moebius is a 2 oscillators arpeggiator synthersizer.It is capable of producing a large collection of different sounds…
Dream Sequencer
Dream Sequencer Dream Sequencer is for those simple deep bass sequences of the 70’s as produced by Tangerine Dream…