Category: Synthesizer
A synthesizer (also spelled synthesiser)[1] is an electronic musical instrument that generates audio signals. Synthesizers generate audio through methods including subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, and frequency modulation synthesis. These sounds may be shaped and modulated by components such as filters, envelopes, and low-frequency oscillators. Synthesizers are typically played with keyboards or controlled by sequencers, software, or other instruments, often via MIDI.
V-Koder V-Koder is a free sample based synth instrument, originally recorded, designed and edited by DCSI, bringing…
pippo pippo is a unique synth based on an array of self-oscillating delay units controlled via a very simple…
Kroma flexPatch
Kroma flexPatch Kroma flexPatch is a Rhodes Chroma emulation.Based on the core synth voice structure with modules interconnected…
RMPx RMPx is a hybrid physical modelling and ensemble synthesizer.The Phys-mod section especially enjoys being played with a touch…
San San is a hybrid synthesizer. 2 analogue oscillators (with 2 FM oscillators) and a phase distortion oscillator…
Sandra Sandra is a polysynth.Being special for low rezo sweeps and drones, delivers also lash polysynth chords in…
JX220 JX220 analog synth. Oscillator with variable waveform SubOscillator 2 Pole resonant Low Passdigital IIR filter LFO Sine…
DirtyGirl DirtyGirl is a PWM synth. 2 Standard SE Oscillators with FM and PWM. Mono/Poly. 2 SV Filters…
minitron A new toy for the masses, a “Emu” of the Korg Monotron.It is not a real Emulation,…
SAW SAW is a saw wave synthesizer. 4 Pitch controls with selectable ‘feet’ switch in the range of…
NOVAkILLER NOVAkILLER is a 2 osc analog synth.It is a fairly straightforward synth with a few interesting and less…
Matrix Six1
Matrix Six1 Matrix Six1 is an Oberheim Matrix Six emulation.This emulation is inspired by the real unit circuits but…
Anvilia Pro
Anvilia Pro Anvilia is a wavetable synthesizer.At the first glance quite simple but highly efficient for even complex…
Little-K Little-K is a hybrid synthesizer with sync, FM and RM. 3 oscillators+ morph layers of unison, 32 raw…
Republica Republica is a 5 osc vintage soviet synth featuring an arpeggiator and a 8 step CV sequencer.
Pro-SoloVst Pro SoloVst reproduces the monophonic analog preset synthesizer ARP Pro Soloist.The sound engine of the Pro SoloVst…
Samurai Samurai is a true additive synthesizer.Each OSC makes use of a bank of 50 individual sinusoidal oscillators…
Rolend System 101M
Rolend System 101M Rolend System 101M is a Roland System 100M emulation.This emulation is inspired by the real unit…
Stock Stock, phase distortion synth.Stock is a try on Phase ditortion synthesis, includes 6Poles SVF filter. For leads and…