Category: Synthesizer
A synthesizer (also spelled synthesiser)[1] is an electronic musical instrument that generates audio signals. Synthesizers generate audio through methods including subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, and frequency modulation synthesis. These sounds may be shaped and modulated by components such as filters, envelopes, and low-frequency oscillators. Synthesizers are typically played with keyboards or controlled by sequencers, software, or other instruments, often via MIDI.
Burque Burque combines phase distortion, subtractive synthesis & waveshaping to create synth-bass sounds. MONO MODE: when on, the…
FB-3300 FB-3300 simulates the KORG PS-3300 polyphonic synthesizer from 1977.It is written in native C++ code for high performance…
ANx1 ANx1 is inspired by the Yamaha AN1x synthesizer.This is an enough complex synth to get unexpected results. It…
MObells MObells is a a FM synth to make bell sounds like music boxes or church bells or any…
LighIndustry LighIndustry is a 2 oscillators wavetable synthesizer.LighIndustry can create a range of big and powerful leads and…
ModMod ModMod is a very simple Frequency Modulation synth based on a carrier oscillator with two modulators.An added attraction…
Analog Nexus
Analog Nexus Analog Nexus is vintage style warp synthesis synthesizer with extended possibilites of modulation.It has 4 types of…
KRM-101 KRM-101 is based around the 80’s Roland SH-101. Very simple synth capable of some cool bass/lead sounds.
Transcendental 2000
Transcendental 2000 Transcendental 2000 is based on the Powertran Transcendent 2000, a diy kit synthesizer from 1978.The front…
Dulcet Dulcet is a physical modeling synth. Body resonator with many different modes. Noise, with Pink, Red, Blue,…
Mate Mate is inspired by synthesizers of the seventies and eighties.It produces original synth tones and reproduces strings,…
ProjectX1 ProjectX1 is a hybrid bass synth utilizing subtractive, fm, phase distortion and unison synthesis.It’s essentially a monophonic synth…
jellyfish jellyfish is a 4 oscillator synth with multiple modulation methods between the oscillators and of their various parameters…
massTURBOtar Morfiki’s massTURBOtar is a hybrid synthesizer with unique morphing capabilities.Every parameter (excluding delay amount and velocity smoothing)…
PIO PIO is an arpeggiator based synthesizer. ADSR MOOG filter Pitcher Arpeggiator Visit: PIO
Xenharmonic FMTS
Xenharmonic FMTS Xenharmonic FMTS is a 4 Operator FM Synthesis VSTi with a specialized set of features for musicians…
Eclipse 6 harmonics to use alone or as modulators. 2 LFOs. 24db filter. 1 amp ADSR. 1 carrier…
Romplay 2 lite
Romplay 2 lite Romplay 2 lite is a sample-based synth instrument handcrafted with high quality presets covering most Electronic…