Category: Synth
Emultuition is an FM (to Oscillators and Filters) and Subtractive Synthesizer for all styles of music.It has useful parameters…
Daedalus VA synth. 2 Osc 2 LFO arpeggiator modulation options If you find yourself using Daedalus a lot…
PAL-9000 PAL-9000 is a noise synth, good for special FX and Sci-Fi stuff.The random sequences generated with PAL-9000…
Angle Angle is a 3D oscillator synthesizer introducing a normalisation synthesis with feedback to produce two new forms of…
EVM Moebius is a 2 oscillators arpeggiator synthersizer.It is capable of producing a large collection of different sounds…
Dream Sequencer
Dream Sequencer Dream Sequencer is for those simple deep bass sequences of the 70’s as produced by Tangerine Dream…
Odin is a 12 voice polyphonic,wavetable-based, subtractive, semi-modular synthesizer.The oscillators include a wide variety of waveforms and…
Sounds of old TV games
Sounds of old TV games Sounds of old TV games is a VSTi which adds the sound…
Axons Axons is a virtual analog synthetizer. Poly 8 VCOs (x2). Multi-flavor 24dB LPF/HPF/BPF. Fast envelope (analog slope)….
Patchwork Modular System
Patchwork Modular System XSRDO Patchwork Modular System is a true modular synthesizer.You can choose what modules you want,…
Obzylon Angle is a 3D oscillator synthesizer introducing a normalisation synthesis with feedback to produce two new forms of…
Snorgan Snorgan is a wavetable synth, it combines a waveform from an internal bank of sixteen with a…
Screamer Screamer is a little synthesizer that resembles a legendary TB-303 in sound and features.A rather simple sound…
Komodo Komodo is a semi-modular synthesizer. It has a vast range of self contained synth engines, Virtual Analog,…
Rhythm Rhythm is created on base of the legendsoviet synthesizer Ritm – 2. Made by Kirovsky musical…
200 C
200 C 200 C is a set of Buchla 200 modules. 3 258-style Dual Oscillators. 2 Quad Envelope…
DodecaMax DodecaMax is a set of Buchla 200 modules.This adds to an emulation of the Buchla Dodecamodule the…
BassTard BassTard is a monophonic subtractive synthesizer, designed to put out ground-shattering low frequency content.BassTard was created around…