PleyadeS PleyadeS. 4 Osc with octave and microtunning control. Octave select and micro-detuner. Amp. envelope. 2 Filters. 3 LFO (witt routing). Fx (2 delay). Midi…
Syntha-kon Syntha-kon is a Steiner-Parker Synthacon emulation.This emulation is inspired by the real unit circuits but is not aiming to sound accurate to the hardware synth. No…
Rock Rock is a distortion synth using 2 oscillators and filters which uses lots of shaping options and effects to create some nasty and twisted sounds.
Pro-SE Pro-SE is a classic 2 oscillators analog synthesizer. 2 oscillators. Modulation matrix / LFO. Low pass filter. ADS filter envelope. ADS amp envelope. Glide.
MC44 MC44 is a 4 oscillators analog synth with some unique features. 3 oscillators with 5 waveforms. 1 oscillator with 28 types of shape. Pink and white…
T-Force Alpha TS Alpha TS is a subtractive synthesizer plugin especially designed for trance music, inspired by the famous Roland Supersaw.With its Multiwave Oscillators You can…
DJX10 DJX10 is a subtractive synthesizer.Old-school synth featuring very low CPU usage, a range of built-in sounds, full preset-management.
Silver Orbit Silver Orbit is a 2 oscillators synthesizer with 8 waveforms each and option to modify the waveshape plus one oscillator with 5 waveforms, the latter…
Micromega Micromega is a compact substractive synthetizer.One SAW, One SQUARE, One SUB, One NOISE. Fast Envelopes, Fast Knob midi response.VCO1: VCO2: VCOs common: VCF: VCA:GLIDE.ADSR +…
SubsTractor SubsTractor is created on base of the popular Propellerhead Reason soft synthesizer SubTractor.Subtractor is an analog-type polyphonic synthesizer based on subtractive synthesis, the method used…