mOdyCat mOdyCat is an Octave CAT emulation.This emulation is inspired by the real unit circuits but is not aiming to sound accurate to the hardware synth. No…
Q Q is a multi-synthesis hybrid synth. Oscillators can be routed to amp directly (pan for each oscillator), to filter 1, to filter 2 oder to both…
Piggle Piggle is a phase distortion synth.Warm & organic, clean or distorted… Visit: Piggle
KRM61 KRM61 is a reasonable emulation of the 1982 Korg Poly61. 2 DCO’s (DCO1-saw/square/pulse DCO2-saw/square) VCF – 4 pole LP filter EG (env generator/ADSR) shared with…
Pro-DG Pro-DG is a Moog Prodigy emulation. 2 oscillators. Modulation. Low pass filter. ADS filter envelope. ADS amp envelope. Unison / glide. MIDI automation.
ScP5 ScP5 emulates a popular synth from the 80’s, the Prophet-5.
Luge Luge is a StudioLogic Sledge emulation.This emulation is inspired by the real unit circuits but is not aiming to sound accurate to the hardware synth. No…
Odisea Odisea. 2 Osc, 5 waveforms. Octave select and micro-detuner. Amp. envelope. Filter. easy programming. Midi automation. Preset selector. Visit: Odisea
T-Force Alpha Plus Alpha Plus is a hybrid trance-gate synth.It is the advanced version of the T-Force Alpha TS. It has all features of the Alpha…
Genobazz 2 monophonic bass synthesizer, designed to be simple to use, for all your bass need, from simple bass, drum kick and complex wobble to…