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A string is the vibrating element that produces sound in string instruments such as the guitar, harp, piano (piano wire), and members of the violin family. Strings are lengths of a flexible material that a musical instrument holds under tension so that they can vibrate freely, but controllably. Strings may be “plain”, consisting only of a single material, like steel, nylon, or gut, or wound, having a “core” of one material and an overwinding of another. This is to make the string vibrate at the desired pitch, while maintaining a low profile and sufficient flexibility for playability.
Spread the love 3 3SharesVPS (Virtual Plucked String) reproduces ethnic zither instruments. 50 Zither Family Based Waveforms. Vibrato effect section. Tone Envelope section. Tone Section. Tone Velocity Control.…
Spread the love 4 4SharesDSK Asian DreamZ, asian intruments.Pipa, Pipa tremolo, Luan, Guzhen, Erhu, Ban di, Percussion kit. 7 Asian Instruments. Velocity response. Amp. envelope and micro-detuner. HP/LP…
Spread the love 6 6SharesString Thing 2 is a plucked string virtual instrument with advanced controls and filtering to create a more natural tone. String Thing 2…
Spread the love 6 6SharesMopar combines a phase distortion oscillator whith a soundfont oscillator to produce cool pads or more…Osc1 has 8 waveforms (saw, square, pulse, double…
Spread the love 3 3SharesWMD Strings The best part of the Plugins is, it is absolutely FREE!! This plugins is our honest endeavor towards all the fellow…
Spread the love 32 32SharesFreemusicproduction.net has released multi strings, free/donation (40/112) string sections based instrument with total control… Multi Strings – Free/donation (40/112) string sections based instrument with total control……
Spread the love 6 6SharesOrch Strings is a string machine synthersizer. 16 Patches Single Panel Synth. 6 Saw Oscillators. Octave, Semi tone and Fine Tune. 1 ADSR VCA EG.…