Category: Samplers

Sampling (music)

In music, sampling is the reuse of a portion (or sample) of a sound recording in another recording. Samples may comprise elements such as rhythm, melody, speech, sounds, or entire bars of music, and may be layered, equalized, sped up or slowed down, repitched, looped, or otherwise manipulated. They are usually integrated using hardware (samplers) or software such as digital audio workstations.

Posted in Drums Samplers


Ds-1  Ds-1 VSTi is a simple 8 Pad Drum Sampler. Each pad has its own pitch, panning,…

Posted in Samplers


EcolooP EcolooP is a sampler tool that integrated some originals functions for recreating a new loop, pattern or…

Posted in Effect Samplers


Busta Busta is a harmonic-series-based, instant-play, monophonic sampler for Windows. Included are 30 fully customizable presets, based on…

Posted in Samplers

Stupid Simple Sampler

Stupid Simple Sampler Stupid Simple Sampler from BipTunia Synths is the easiest to use sampler there is….

Posted in Drums Samplers


Drum8 “Drum8 is a free drum plugin (sample-based ROMpler) for DAWs and other plugin host software running…

Posted in Samplers

ARQ Sampler 32 / Block Player 25/Striso Player 61

ARQ Sampler 32 / Block Player 25/Striso Player 61 Special versions of the TouchSampler/Player for Zoom AR-96, Roli LightPad…

Posted in Samplers

Ambi Sampler 1ST

Ambi Sampler 1ST Very simple 4 channels / 1st order ambisonics sampler:– records or load a four…

Posted in Samplers

Multi Sampler 16/32/6 4

Multi Sampler 16/32/6 4 Polyphonic sample players with the usual pitch, filter, sample position and loop points…

Posted in Samplers

Sample Modeler 1636/1664

Sample Modeler 1636/1664 Record an up to 16 channels sample and play it through a combination of…

Posted in Samplers

Room Sampler 64

Room Sampler 64 Instead of spatialize the sample with the usual amplitude technique this plugin uses delays…

Posted in Samplers

Alea Sampler 64

Alea Sampler 64 Like the BrushSampler and other similar plugins, it is based on one mono sample but instead of…

Posted in Samplers

Sample Shaper 16 & 32

Sample Shaper 16 & 32 Record or load a mono sample and transform it to an up…

Posted in Samplers

Simple Stretcher 16

Simple Stretcher 16 Downscaled version of the StretchSampler without the spatialisation, the modulators and the resonator sections, so you can…

Posted in Samplers

Scatt Sampler 64

Scatt Sampler 64 Same principle as the Texturizer, but more adapted to short samples.It can record its input and…

Posted in Samplers

Texturizer 64

Texturizer 64 Like the FocusPlayer this plugin is based on the multiplication of a single wave file input to…

Posted in Samplers

Focus Player 36/64

Focus Player 36/64 This member of the “Focus” series generates sounds instead of processing an audio input….

Posted in Samplers

Kaleido Sampler 64/128 & M u l t i K a leido Player 64

Kaleido Sampler 64/128 & M u l t i K a leido Player 64 It is a…

Posted in Samplers

Random Player 12 – 18/8-36

Random Player 12 – 18/8-36 Load multichannel files and play them with random parameters.– 12/8 wave files…

Posted in Samplers

MultiPlayer 32

MultiPlayer 32 Up to 16 stereo files can be played in parallel with the usual sample modulations…

Posted in Samplers

Concatenator 16/3 2

Concatenator 16/3 2 The 16 channels version is mostly a ConcatPlayer without the spatial mass section, while the 32…