Category: Noise Gate
Noise Gate
A noise gate or gate is an electronic device or software that is used to control the volume of an audio signal. Comparable to a compressor, which attenuates signals above a threshold, such as loud attacks from the start of musical notes, noise gates attenuate signals that register below the threshold.[1] However, noise gates attenuate signals by a fixed amount, known as the range. In its simplest form, a noise gate allows a main signal to pass through only when it is above a set threshold: the gate is “open”. If the signal falls below the threshold, no signal is allowed to pass (or the signal is substantially attenuated): the gate is “closed”.[2] A noise gate is used when the level of the “signal” is above the level of the unwanted “noise”. The threshold is set above the level of the “noise”, and so when there is no main “signal”, the gate is closed.
killerGATE+ combines many synths elements into a handy multi-effects unit.It should be used as an insert effect. expanded GATE…
mgTriggerGate is a sequenced gate.Similar to the trancegate effect found in reFX’ Vanguard, it has a little 16…
Bob Perry Gate
The Bob Perry Gate is a noise gate with side chaining and the choice between 3 distinct algorithms. 3…
Moot is a flexible audio mute plugin with a number of additional features. The aim is to have a…
Neon Gate
Neon Gate is a programmable rhythm gate.It synchronizes to the host BPM, the effect is often used in…
Shen is a noise gate equaliser. Threshold Level. Attack Level. Fade Level. EQ Balance Level. Output Level. Midi…
StormGate1 is a rhythmic gate that lets you shape audio with amplitude patterns.Patterns can be freely drawn by hand…
GGate is a noise gate which silences the incoming signal once it drops below a user-defined threshold.This kind of…
ReaGate is an advanced gating processor. Ultra-configurable gate. Sidechain filters, sidechain input. Lookahead for pre-open. Hold control. Hysteresis…
T-Force Trance Gate
T-Force Trance Gate is a trance gate for rhythmic gate effects triggered by a full envelope controlled step sequencer.With…
Tonmann DeEsser
Tonmann DeEsser is a basic high frequency dynamic processor called DeEsser. It’s mainly designed to get rid of…
Noise Gate
Noise gate is a mono noise gate, mainly designed for guitar.Use it for audio noise reduction before or…
Gater is a stereo trance gate effect. 16th–note trance gate. 2 envelope shapes. Gate pattern randomise button. Stereo input—output….
VeeDeeS is a de-esser designed to reduce sibilant consonants present in human voice.Phonemes like “S”, “Z”, “SH” and similar…
A1TriggerGate A1TriggerGate is a Sequenced Gate plugin to chop up any incoming audio signal.\This plugin synchronizes to the host…
EnveLover is a one-of-a-kind midi-controlled audio gate effect.It will speed up your musical workflow by giving you the ability…
SpectGate splits the signal into 16 band and applies a noise gate to each band. Start/Finish Freq – Freqency…
scuzzphut6 v2.0
Scuzzphut6 – free VST effect plugin featuring a flexible trance-gate and two delay lines, each with it’s own filter…
Renegate free
Renegate free is a full-band gate plug-in. It has an always smooth, natural sound, and is quick to operate.Renegate free…
Saschart – easyGater
easyGater is a sequenced gater plugin which modulates the volume of an audio input signal.You can now easily increase the…