Category: Noise Gate
Noise Gate
A noise gate or gate is an electronic device or software that is used to control the volume of an audio signal. Comparable to a compressor, which attenuates signals above a threshold, such as loud attacks from the start of musical notes, noise gates attenuate signals that register below the threshold.[1] However, noise gates attenuate signals by a fixed amount, known as the range. In its simplest form, a noise gate allows a main signal to pass through only when it is above a set threshold: the gate is “open”. If the signal falls below the threshold, no signal is allowed to pass (or the signal is substantially attenuated): the gate is “closed”.[2] A noise gate is used when the level of the “signal” is above the level of the unwanted “noise”. The threshold is set above the level of the “noise”, and so when there is no main “signal”, the gate is closed.
Series 60
Series 60 is a guitar amp head designed to play Metal.Series 60 is Power defined. It is set out…
Digg v.2.0
DIG 2.0 is based on 2 12AX7 tubes and features a built in stereo delay, noisegate, Cabinet Shaper, and…
Fretted Synth – SlowBeer SlowBeer is a noise gate with an envelope. Comes in mono and stereo and…
Floorfish Floorfish is a simple expander / gate device.Easy to set up and offers a broad variety of processing,…
Spitfish is a dead-easy to use de-esser. Aimed mainly at mono or stereo vocal tracks. Just like classic…
Lisp Lisp is a level-independent sibilance processor.Whether you use a traditional de-esser, sidechained compressor, dynamic EQ, or even…
Green Gate
Green gate is a high quality smooth noise gate. The file includes Windows version. Visit: Green Gate
Gate3 is a host-synced gating effect with lfos.It can create crossrhythms, randomised amplitude, modulate gating period, etc… Visit: Gate3
cairo is a tempo synchronized gate effect.Choose a gate speed, and modify the envelope to cut up your…
Sidechain Gate
Sidechain Gate is a simple sidechain gate with 2 stereo inputs.the key input so it requires a VST host…
gator creates a random steppy,gated effect, triggering volume between 2 adjustable values by a tempo-synced probability-based step sequencer.An…
GT Sidechain Gate
GT Sidechain Gate is a simple sidechain gate. GT Sidechain Gate uses 2 stereo inputs (the second is…
SEGX2 is a smooth dual band expander gate. SEGX2 operates always with soft knee which starts at the…
Chopper Chopper is a pattern controlled gate.When used on a stereo track you can widen the sound by…
Efektor Silencer
Efektor Silencer is a dual / mono noise gate processor. Smooth and precise noise gating effect via 3 knobs….
MicroGater is a simple MIDI gate with invert button and ASR envelope.In normal mode it works as a regular…
Modern De-Esser
Modern De-Esser is a classic de-esser. Power On/Off button Gain Reduction meter include Threshold, Ratio, Width, Release controls…
GetaBlitch Jr
GetaBlitch Jr. is a sequenced gate effect.It is different from traditional “trance gates” in two significant ways: first, it…
LSGate is a sequential step gate.It can be used to add rythmic patterns to your audio or a…