The Shepherd Kill Bill has a tune in its soundtrack by Ennio Morricone featuring a haunting and evocative whistling.This ‘mini-synth’ is designed solely to re-create that…
Quilcom 111 The Quilcom 111 is an executable file which produces sound for brainwave synchronising. I decided to make this after reading about the phenomena in New…
A-Key A-Key is a 2 oscillators distortion synth. Visit: A-Key
Bubbler Bubbler simulates a ball bouncing against the walls of a box to create sounds. Xlen – x dimension of box , increasing this lowers the pitch.…
Blaster Ray gun noise maker. 1 oscillator (sine, square, saw, tri, noise, halfsine, trisaw) ADSR Amp envelope LFO speed and depth controls Onboard ping-pong delay 16…