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Category: MIDI


MIDI (/ˈmɪdi/; an acronym for Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a technical standard that describes a communications protocol, digital interface, and electrical connectors that connect a wide variety of electronic musical instruments, computers, and related audio devices for playing, editing and recording music.[1] The specification originates in a paper titled Universal Synthesizer Interface, published by Dave Smith and Chet Wood, then of Sequential Circuits, at the October 1981 Audio Engineering Society conference in New York City.[2]

Arpocalypse 3


ARPocalypse ARPocalypse is a 8 step rhythmic pattern generator. Simply put it takes chords of up to six notes and plays them in a predefined sequence in…

Harvest Mini 3

Harvest Mini

Harvest Mini Harvest Mini generates melodies, chord progressions, and drum beats.It control your VST instruments and create randomized sequences. Tap custom rhythms or randomize them. Choose…

Hyperion 3


Hyperion Hyperion MIDI VST has a semi-modular structure suitable for a wide variety of tuned algorithmic applications. LFOs and counters are used to easily create dynamic…

Notemapper 3


NoteMapper NoteMapper allows you to map MIDI notes to other notes.Each incoming note can be mapped to up to 3 notes, even on different MIDI channels.…


Beat Replacer

Beat Replacer Audio to MIDI – Beat Replacer. Beat Replacer is a free VST plug-in designed to “translate” any source track’s beat into a custom MIDI…

Midd Morphy 2

Middi Morphy

Middi Morphy Middi Morphy is a midi preset morpher.This is a little vst tool to interpolate between different midi parameter settings. you can set up secnes…

Midif 2


MidiF MidiF is a very basic midi follower that record and export MIDI data. Controls  – click on start to start midi recording, click again saves it to…

Midi Monitor 3

MIDI Monitor

MIDI Monitor MIDI Monitor is a plugin which shows the incoming MIDI messages.Because some hosts treat instrument- and effect-plugins differently (and do not allow plugging one…