Category: Guitar
The guitar is a fretted musical instrument that typically has six strings. It is held flat against the player’s body and played by strumming or plucking the strings with the dominant hand, while simultaneously pressing the strings against frets with the fingers of the opposite hand. A plectrum or individual finger picks may by be used to strike the strings. The sound of the guitar is projected either acoustically, by means of a resonant chamber on the instrument, or amplified by an electronic pickup and an amplifier.
audiolatry – PlastikGuitar
PlastikGuitar PlastikGuitar is a sampled nylon string classical guitar. This is a small guitar instrument is based on…
Torture Chamber
Torture Chamber Torture Chamber is a distortion pedal with four controls: input, shock, saw, and tone. The four…
Chowdhury DSP – BYOD
BYOD Build-Your-Own-Distortion (BYOD) is an audio plugin that allows the user to create custom guitar effects, with a…
Sonatina Double Bass
Sonatina Double Bass Sonatina Double Bass is a sampled double bass .Samples were edited from the Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra…
Strat-A-Various Strat-A-Various, capable of clean or ear-wrenching overdriveguitar sounds.A full set of 16 presets to get you…
SuperRiff Bass
SuperRiff Bass SuperRiff Bass is a simple VST instrument that contains a limited set of custom bass guitar…
Retron Retron is a tube amplifier designed to add light to heavy tonal coloring & light – medium distortion…
MF Concert Guitar
MF Concert Guitar MF Concert Guitar is a sampled nylon strings guitar. Samples were recorded by Markus Fiedler.
SuperRiff Guitar
SuperRiff Guitar SuperRiff Guitar contains a set of custom distorted electric guitar note samples.At present SRG contains only 1 soundbank…
Guitars Steel
Guitars Steel Country steel guitar. High expressive and dynamics sounds. Clean and very simple GUI. Visit: Guitars Steel