Harvest Mini Harvest Mini generates melodies, chord progressions, and drum beats.It control your VST instruments and create randomized sequences. Tap custom rhythms or randomize them. Choose…
Ripchord Ripchord is a simple MIDI plugin for creating and remixing chord progressions.It lets you easily map multiple output notes to a given input note so…
LittleArpy LittleArpy is a monophonic arp/sequencer.It takes one note as input and shifts it’s pitch according to a sequence, it DOES NOT collect notes from a…
Hyperion Hyperion MIDI VST has a semi-modular structure suitable for a wide variety of tuned algorithmic applications. LFOs and counters are used to easily create dynamic…
PolyGrid PolyGrid – MIDI editor and pattern sequencer for Windows. PolyGrid features – 64 patterns, variable pattern length (in beats count)– User-defined grid frequency– User-defined…
MonoBar v.1.1 AZ Audio has released MonoBar, a simple VSTi midi sequencer for Windows compatible VST hosts. ‘Mono’ because only 1 midi voice is sent and ‘Bar’ because…
Stepchild v.1.03a Stepchild is a simple VST based 32 step sequencer. It gives you control over a bank of 12 notes. Notes can be assigned…
Sequin Sequin is a monophonic step sequencer made with Synthedit. It can create 1 bar patterns with 8, 12, or 16 steps which are triggered from…
Transition Transition is a generative MIDI sequencer. The basic idea is that bots move through a matrix of cells until they encounter a wall, another bot,…
Arpimedes Arpimedes is a funky little arpeggiator plugin with adjustable pattern rhythm and speed.You can define the number of octaves it should use and the step length…