Category: Flute
The flute is a family of musical instruments in the woodwind group. Unlike woodwind instruments with reeds, a flute is an aerophone or reedless wind instrument that produces its sound from the flow of air across an opening. According to the instrument classification of Hornbostel–Sachs, flutes are categorized as edge-blown aerophones.[1] A musician who plays the flute can be referred to as a flute player, flautist, flutist or, less commonly, fluter or flutenist.
SIM-DIZI SIM-DIZI aims to synthesise the sound of a Chinese dizi flute which is a transverse blown bamboo flute…
VSCO2 Flute
VSCO2 Flute VSCO2 Flute is a sampled flute.Samples were recorded by Versilian Studios / Sam Gossner. Info : won’t work…
SONATINA FLUTE Sonatina Flute is a set of sampled flutes. Samples were edited from the Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra…
Iowa Alto Flute
Iowa Alto Flute Iowa Alto Flute is a sampled alto flute from the University of Iowa Electronic Music Studios.