Category: Filter
An audio filter is a frequency dependent amplifier circuit, working in the audio frequency range, 0 Hz to beyond 20 kHz. Audio filters can amplify (boost), pass or attenuate (cut) some frequency ranges. Many types of filters exist for different audio applications including hi-fi stereo systems, musical synthesizers, sound effects, sound reinforcement systems, instrument amplifiers and virtual reality systems.
MDMA Basic Filter
MDMA Basic Filter MDMA Basic Filter is a filter with lfo and modulation envelope.If you need a simple…
Formant Filter
Formant Filter Formant filter is an effect that uses a bank of 5 band pass filters.This imprint the…
Noisebud Stepdad
Noisebud Stepdad Noisebud Stepdad is a step sequencer controlled filter and ring modulation plugin. You need a host that transmits BPM…
Noisebud BandPass
Noisebud BandPass Noisebud BandPass is a filter.Noisebud BandPass has been replaced with Noisebud Filter 3.0 since you can…
MonoMGFilters – 8 step sequencer filters
MonoMGFilters – 8 step sequencer filters Mono filters free filters from the Monochord synth (instereo). Just place relevant .dll…
FollowTroller FollowTroller is an unusual amplitude and filter effect.FollowTroller allows you to control the enveloppe of sound (VCA) or…
aurelia-filtha aurelia-filtha is a fullstereo lowpass filter. Special Low-Pass Filter (known from my easy-muug/Protege-Emus). LFO 2 with 6…
easy-mf 202
easy-mf 202 easy-mf 202 is a filtering fx.This is a free interpretation of different Moogerfogger pedals without claim…