Category: Filter
An audio filter is a frequency dependent amplifier circuit, working in the audio frequency range, 0 Hz to beyond 20 kHz. Audio filters can amplify (boost), pass or attenuate (cut) some frequency ranges. Many types of filters exist for different audio applications including hi-fi stereo systems, musical synthesizers, sound effects, sound reinforcement systems, instrument amplifiers and virtual reality systems.
384 dB/Oct filter The free Rubber Filter VST plug-in by Christian Budde is a highly versatile 6-384…
Audiomodern – Filterstep
Filterstep Filterstep lets you create kinds of intricate rhythmic movement and craft compelling textures with simple and intuitive parameter controls.Filterstep is…
FilterGrizzly LITE
FilterGrizzly LITE FilterGrizzly LITE is the powerful analog-modeled lowpass filter.It offers a smooth and charming filter with self-resonance…
Audio Damage – Filterstation
Filterstation Filterstation is a new look at the classic serial/parallel/stereo dual filter topology, made famous by the Sherman Filterbank….
Audio Damage – 914 Fixed Filter Bank
914 Fixed Filter Bank 914 Fixed Filter Bank is a recreation of the Moog 914 filter module. It…
HY-Plugins – HY-Filter4 free
HY-Filter4 free HY-Filter4 free is a semi-modular filter effect plugin. You can modulate parameters of the main filter by…
KINDZAudio – KranchDD
KranchDD KranchDD is a filter combined with different distortion algorithms. Visit: KranchDD
Caelum Audio – Flux Mini 2
Flux Mini 2 Flux Mini 2 is a modulator / filter. This audio effect adds life, character and…
beatassist – Filter Gate
Filter Gate The Filter&Gate studio has 6 filter and gating effects. Alligate (trancegate/gator). DSC (Dubstep rhythm creator). Fou (SV-filter with…
Moonlab – Clean Shave
Clean Shave Clean Shave is a modern and variable-slope filter plugin that helps you get rid of the unnecessary low…
Fabric 70 – Basic Filters
Basic Filters Basic Filters is a IIR filters plugin with envelope and LFO.High performance regardless of the size of…
Fanan Team – Bjorn
Bjorn Bjorn is a multimode filter containing 14 types of filters for any purpose, controlled by an X,Y pad….
igorski – Transformant
Transformant Transformant is a multichannel formant filter effect that is tailored to provide gritty, honking, nasal grunts rather than…
Nembrini Audio – Analog Rack Cleaner
Analog Rack Cleaner The Analog Rack Cleaner plugin is high pass and low pass filters in a…
EpicMStudios – EMSFilter
EMSFilter EMSFilter is a multimode filter. Visit: EMSFilter
SNFK Music – Unifilter
Unifilter Unifilter is a filter / distortion with 8 different filters to choose from. Unifilter creates upward harmonics and…
FKFX – Obvious Filter
Obvious Filter Obvious Filter turns any input sound to rhythmical sequence, using a morphing filter sequencer, with numerous…
Xfer Records – DJM Filter
DJM Filter The DJM filter is exactly the general mixing filter I’ve hoped for for quite a while. Being…