Category: EQ
Equalization (audio)
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Equalization is the process of adjusting the balance between frequency components within an electronic signal. The most well known use of equalization is in sound recording and reproduction but there are many other applications in electronics and telecommunications.
The circuit or equipment used to achieve equalization is called an equalizer. These devices strengthen or weaken the energy of specific frequency bands or “frequency ranges”.
Clean Shave
Moonlab has released Clean Shave, free filter plugin for Windows and Mac VST/AU. Clean up and create space in…
Blue Cat’s Free Plugins
Changes in Blue Cat’s Free Plugins – Arrow keys can now be used to navigate presets.– Improved…
Giant Verb
Giant Verb – Total feedback up to 100% (=infinite decay time). Analog input behavior: pre-warmth factor. Reverb…
GTG Sputnik 2000
Retro effects synth based on three Phase Modulation oscillators and 1 analog oscillator. LFO,Chorus and reverb. 97…
STC-3 stereo width control
Stereo Tool | Stereo Width Spatial “The STC-3 is a precision tool for controlling the stereo width…
Maximizer “One knob away from your desired outcome! Add to taste – You can’t go wrong! Add…
Filter “MonoMG (a moog style filter) & MonoKG (a MS20 style filter) available Both featuring 2 Stereo…
“Density was primarily designed to work in a typical stereo audio group mixing situation or for summing…
ThrillseekerXTC “It’s a contemporary exciter build around a true parallel analog style equalizer design. Thrillseeker XTC is…
Download SynthTrackchopping | Fx “SynthTrack is an effect plugin. Applied to audio tracks, this plug-in applies Filter…
Cocoa Delay
“Cocoa Delay is a free, open-source delay plugin in VST format. It focuses on clean design, easy…
iZotope Vinyl
Give fresh recordings and instrument tracks the dirty, dusty feel of an earlier decade. Plus, it’s now…
Pushtec 5+1A
Pushtec 5+1A is a 6-band mid-range and program EQ. A Winamp plugin version is also included. Developers Leftover…
Voxengo Marvel GEQ
Track graphic equalizer Voice streaming equalizer plugin Mastering graphic equalizer Stereo, mid-side, 5.1 surround equalizer Transparent graphic…
ParisEQ The Paris VST EQ is a 4-band stereo parametric VST equaliser plugin utilising the same algorithm as the…
Blue Cat’s Triple EQ
Blue Cat’s Triple EQ This free EQ includes a low shelf filter, a high shelf filter and…
BootEQ is a musical-sounding mixing EQ and pre-amp simulation. Features / Specification: Four parametric and independent EQ bands….