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Category: Effect

Sound effect

sound effect (or audio effect) is an artificially created or enhanced sound, or sound process used to emphasize artistic or other content of films, television shows, live performance, animation, video games, music, or other media. These are normally created with foley. In motion picture and television production, a sound effect is a sound recorded and presented to make a specific storytelling or creative point without the use of dialogue or music. The term often refers to a process applied to a recording, without necessarily referring to the recording itself. In professional motion picture and television production, dialogue, music, and sound effects recordings are treated as separate elements. Dialogue and music recordings are never referred to as sound effects, even though the processes applied to such as reverberation or flanging effects, often are called “sound effects”.

Bojo Freeware Plugins Pack

Bojo Freeware Plugins Pack Wave changer 3 v.1.02, Organ One 2, Impulse 3.1, Flanger 1.1, LoFi 1.1, Overdrive 1.1, Ringmodulator 1.1, Tremolo 1.1. Bojo-Freeware-Plugins-Pack  ( 2.15…


Midinaut MFX

Features: – Tremolo.– Panning.– 2 Multi-filter (parallel oder serial).– Stereo-delay with filter.– Flanger / Phaser.– Reverb.– 16-step Stereo-gate.– Joystick for filter control. Midinaut


Green Bundle

Wurr Audio Reverb: R1.1 (01.30.2005)A small and handy VST reverb (freeware) Wurr Audio Filtertüte: R1.1 (03.19.2005)2 band, full parametric, Hi-shelf, Lo-shelf, Eq filter with internal…


KarmaFx plugin v.1.9

KarmaFX Filter: A simple filter plugin     KarmaFX Deelay: A tempo controlled stereo delay.                                                          KarmaFX Equalizer: A digital 31 band graphic stereo equalizer. KarmaFX Reverb: A digital stereo reverb.

Concretefx Fxpack1

FX Pack

FX Pack collection of VST effect plugins for Windows. – Debaser, a flexible multi-fx VST plugin that is capable of generating a vast variety of unique effects, everything…


SAFE Project

SAFE Project The SAFE Project is a suite of cross-platform DAW audio effect plug-ins. The plug-ins allow you to semantically annotate your sounds in the…


Dead Duck Effects Bundle v1.0

A collection of 16 simple, ‘no-frills’, digital effect plugins: – AutoPan.– Channel.– Chorus.– Compressor.– Delay.– Equaliser.– Filter.– Flanger.– Gate.– Limiter.– MonoDelay.– Phaser.– Reverb.– SigGen.– Tremolo.–…


Jeroen Breebaart’s

All of Jeroen Breebaart’s plugins are now available in a bundle, as a single convenient zip file. Compressor, limiter, reverb, enhancing, image processor, psychoacoustic compressor, vintage…