Category: Effect
Sound effect
Vinyl Simulator
Vinyl Simulator Vinyl Simulator is a vinyl record deck sounds rompler.It can be used to simulate your track…
RS Pan Pro
RS Pan Pro RS Pan Pro VST is a simple control of panning a mono sound to stereo….
Stereo Enhancer
Stereo Enhancer Stereo Enhancer is a simple VST effect plug-in for converting mono to stereo signals as well as…
Sturiophonia Sturiophonia is a stereo image widener and sound placement tool. The aim of the plugin is to increase…
ToneCarver – tcStretch
tcStretch tcStretch is allows time stretching, pitch shifting, and blurring. Time stretch can be up to 1 million…
Audio Damage – Panstation
Panstation Four different panning laws, including an exact 1:1 clone of the M500 pan law. Ten panning…
Pudding pudding is a granular delay effect with detailed synchronization.Features and lots of randomization thrown in the mix. this…
OverDubber OverDubber is a 2 tap delay focused towards Dub creation and Live use.
Cerberus Audio – Ice9 Automute
Ice9 Automute Ice9 Automute’s soft-muting function will begin to attenuate the gain before a single sample over the threshold…
ToneBoosters – Omnisone
Omnisone Omnisone is a spatial image processor, with control of the side signal level.It can enhance the ambiance, and…
Sender Spike – Modul 8
Modul 8 Modul 8 is a dual LFO stereo chorus. It is inspired by multiple Japanese stomp-boxes well known…
Analog Obsession – PreBOX
PreBOX Preamp modeler. Included 11 preamp (mic and line).All of them have their own character, transient response and dynamic….
FlyingTremolo FlyingTremolo is a classic stereo tremolo effect.The Stereo Tremolo, generates aliasing-free and analog feel volume modulation. Stereo widening effect…
Automatic Wahwah
Automatic Wahwah Automatic Wahwah is a classic 70’s Wahwah effect.Modelled from state of art analog time-varying-filter. Our Flying-Wahwah offers…
SuperflyDSP – FlyingChorus
FlyingChorus Host bpm synchronisation.Vst3 preset saving standard. SNR >120dB. Aliasing Free. No Oversampling nor downsampling. Visit: FlyingChorus