Category: Effect

Sound effect

sound effect (or audio effect) is an artificially created or enhanced sound, or sound process used to emphasize artistic or other content of films, television shows, live performance, animation, video games, music, or other media. These are normally created with foley. In motion picture and television production, a sound effect is a sound recorded and presented to make a specific storytelling or creative point without the use of dialogue or music. The term often refers to a process applied to a recording, without necessarily referring to the recording itself. In professional motion picture and television production, dialogue, music, and sound effects recordings are treated as separate elements. Dialogue and music recordings are never referred to as sound effects, even though the processes applied to such as reverberation or flanging effects, often are called “sound effects”.
Posted in Effect Preamp

Vinyl Simulator

Vinyl Simulator Vinyl Simulator is a vinyl record deck sounds rompler.It can be used to simulate your track…

Posted in Effect Panning

RS Pan Pro

RS Pan Pro RS Pan Pro VST is a simple control of panning a mono sound to stereo….

Posted in Amp Effect Guitar Guitar effects

Slap Passion

Slap Passion Slap Passion is a tube bass preamp.

Posted in Effect


satellite satellite is an autopanner like a satellite. earth (R input): satellite (L input): output: wave:

Posted in Effect

Stereo Enhancer

Stereo Enhancer Stereo Enhancer is a simple VST effect plug-in for converting mono to stereo signals as well as…

Posted in Effect


Sturiophonia Sturiophonia is a stereo image widener and sound placement tool. The aim of the plugin is to increase…

Posted in Effect Signal


SX36 SX36 is a 3 band stereo processor.It separates input audio into low, mid and high frequencies and…

Posted in Effect Signal


Width Width is a simple but effective tool for widening (or narrowing) a stereo image. On top of the…

Posted in Effect Pitch

ToneCarver – tcStretch

tcStretch tcStretch is allows time stretching, pitch shifting, and blurring. Time stretch can be up to 1 million…

Posted in Effect

Audio Damage – Panstation

Panstation Four different panning laws, including an exact 1:1 clone of the M500 pan law. Ten panning…

Posted in Delay / Echo Effect


Pudding pudding is a granular delay effect with detailed synchronization.Features and lots of randomization thrown in the mix. this…

Posted in Delay / Echo Effect


OverDubber OverDubber is a 2 tap delay focused towards Dub creation and Live use. 

Posted in Effect Frequency

Cerberus Audio – Ice9 Automute

Ice9 Automute Ice9 Automute’s soft-muting function will begin to attenuate the gain before a single sample over the threshold…

Posted in Effect

ToneBoosters – Omnisone

Omnisone Omnisone is a spatial image processor, with control of the side signal level.It can enhance the ambiance, and…

Posted in Effect Modulator

Sender Spike – Modul 8

Modul 8 Modul 8 is a dual LFO stereo chorus. It is inspired by multiple Japanese stomp-boxes well known…

Posted in Amp Effect Preamp

Analog Obsession – PreBOX

PreBOX Preamp modeler. Included 11 preamp (mic and line).All of them have their own character, transient response and dynamic….

Posted in Effect Modulator


FlyingTremolo FlyingTremolo is a classic stereo tremolo effect.The Stereo Tremolo, generates aliasing-free and analog feel volume modulation. Stereo widening effect…

Posted in Effect Modulator

Automatic Wahwah

Automatic Wahwah Automatic Wahwah is a classic 70’s Wahwah effect.Modelled from state of art analog time-varying-filter. Our Flying-Wahwah offers…

Posted in Effect Modulator

SuperflyDSP – FlyingChorus

FlyingChorus Host bpm synchronisation.Vst3 preset saving standard. SNR >120dB. Aliasing Free. No Oversampling nor downsampling. Visit: FlyingChorus

Posted in Effect Reverb


Ambience Ambience is a reverb that rivals the quality of the best commercial reverbs.You are free to decide yourself…