Category: Effect

Sound effect

sound effect (or audio effect) is an artificially created or enhanced sound, or sound process used to emphasize artistic or other content of films, television shows, live performance, animation, video games, music, or other media. These are normally created with foley. In motion picture and television production, a sound effect is a sound recorded and presented to make a specific storytelling or creative point without the use of dialogue or music. The term often refers to a process applied to a recording, without necessarily referring to the recording itself. In professional motion picture and television production, dialogue, music, and sound effects recordings are treated as separate elements. Dialogue and music recordings are never referred to as sound effects, even though the processes applied to such as reverberation or flanging effects, often are called “sound effects”.
Posted in Delay / Echo Effect

Audio Damage – Replicant

Replicant Replicant is a FSU delay-based effect in the “beat slicer/looper” vein, with some tricks of its own…

Posted in Effect Reverb

Audio Damage – ADverb

ADverb ADverb is a vintage digital plate reverb. Simple-to-use reverb settings, with pre-delay, time, and size, plus an…

Posted in Distortion Effect

ViatorDSP – Rift Clipper

Rift Clipper Rift Clipper is a band splitter distortion. It allows you to split a signal into individual…

Posted in Effect

Audio Damage – Ronin

Ronin Ronin is a multi-effects plug-in featuring two delays, two multi-mode filters, two tube saturation stages, and two LFOs,…

Posted in Distortion Effect

Audio Damage – Kombinat

Kombinat Kombinat is a multi-band distortion plugin.Kombinat’s signal structure allows for a broad palette of sounds, as each segment…

Posted in Delay / Echo Effect

Higher Hz – HZ Delay

HZ Delay HZ Delay is a vintage analog delay. It is a character effect which means that it…

Posted in Effect Lo-fi

ViatorDSP – TeleVox

TeleVox TeleVox is a vocal plugin that simulates vocals passing through a phone speaker. You can affect the…

Posted in Effect Reverb

Audio Damage – Ratshack Reverb

Ratshack Reverb Ratshack Reverb is a detailed model of the Realistic Electronic Reverb. Now, you can have the…

Posted in Distortion Effect

Fanan Team – Ymer

Ymer Ymer is a simple yet powerful band distortion plugin that adds massive coloration and some unique analog dirt…

Posted in Effect Mastering Signal

TheZhe – TheUtility

TheUtility TheUtility is a tool for blending wet and dry signals. Inputs: Main: wet input (connect after another…

Posted in Effect Guitar Guitar effects Preamp

Chowdhury DSP – BYOD

BYOD Build-Your-Own-Distortion (BYOD) is an audio plugin that allows the user to create custom guitar effects, with a…

Posted in Effect Modulator

Sender Spike – Modul Nr 8

Modul Nr 8 Modul Nr 8 is a dual LFO stereo chorus inspired by multiple Japanese stomp-boxes well known…

Posted in Effect Filter Frequency

HY-Plugins – HY-Filter4 free

HY-Filter4 free HY-Filter4 free is a semi-modular filter effect plugin. You can modulate parameters of the main filter by…

Posted in Effect Filter Frequency

KINDZAudio – KranchDD

KranchDD KranchDD is a filter combined with different distortion algorithms. Visit: KranchDD

Posted in Effect Reverb

Stone Voices – DReverb

DReverb DReverb creates high quality algorithmic reverbs. A feature of this plugin, like other reverbs from Stone Voices,…

Posted in Effect Reverb

ElephantDSP – Room Reverb

Room Reverb Room Reverb lets you add reverberation to your recordings in your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). Nowadays, people…

Posted in Effect

Cana San Martin – Epic Vocals

Epic Vocals Epic Vocals is a vocal tuning suite of 3 plugins.

Posted in Effect Signal

Nembrini Audio – NA Chromatic Tuner

NA Chromatic Tuner NA Chromatic Tuner gives you fast, accurate tuning. Big, bright full color LED display. Get perfect…

Posted in Delay / Echo Effect

Cana San Martin – Duct Tape Delay

Duct Tape Delay Duct Tape Delay. Visit: Duct Tape Delay

Posted in Effect Mastering

Yuri Semenov – YuStrip-3

YuStrip-3 size 24 MB  / 33 MB  / 14 MB YuStrip-3 is a complete channel strip.