Category: Delay / Echo
HandMade Echo
HandMade Echo is a boutique Delay/Echo unit that simulates classic machines. Extremely easy to use delay/Echo plugin Controls for feedback,…
12dB resonance filter. Low cut filter. Maximal 4 Seconds delay time. Limiter with distortion for rising feedbacks…
Hysteresis features a delay effect with stutter, lowpass filter and modulation effects thrown into the feedback signal…
IxoxDelay is a quadruple easily panable echo delay. SSE optimized so a SSE CPU is required (Athlon XP,…
maDelay is a tape echo / delay unit. Beat / time selection. Flutter effect. Bandpass filter. Drive. Visit: MaDelay
Delayizer is a modulated delay unit, featuring a chorus section. Visit: Delayizer
Leet Delay
Leet Delay 2 is a delay with character. Option to sync with host tempo. Delay time 0-4000ms. Ping Pong…
Delay Studio
Delay Studio from Minimal System Instruments is a powerful and massively creative multiband delay plugin which gives you all…
GDuckDly is a digital delay.It allows the wet signal to be compressed by the dry signal. The GUI features…
Delay Box
Delay Box Delay box is a analog / digital style delay plug-in. Features 5 modes covering Digital style sharpness…
Liść delay
Liść delay Liść delay is a delay /echo unit with pre and post effect filters.The dry signal can be…
Liquid Delay
Liquid Delay Liquid Delay is a re-creation of a Modulated Delay effect found in high end studios. Modulated Delay…
mgTempoDelay is a tempo-synced stereo delay with internal ducker and gate for better “in-the-mix” capabilities.It also has resonant filters…
Bizzare Delay
2 plug-ins in 1, the Bizzare Delay VST features a digital stereo delay unit as well as asaturating tape…
Discipline3 randomly switches between multiple delay taps for randomised audio segment effect. Visit: Discipline3
Glitch Glitch is a MIDI triggered random delay. MIDI = MIDI activity LED. Fbk = Delay Feedback. TIME…
The delay-time can evolve between 0 and max-delay which lets you be very accurate You can also…
mashup is a delay effect with an internal variable length step sequencer.It allows you to select from six delay…
DualDelay features: 2 independent left/right delays with delay and feedback controls Lowpass (-24 dB/Oct) resonant filter Delay times…