Category: Arp
nSynth1 nSynth1 is a 4 oscillator synthwith drawable waveforms and a pattern generator. 4 Oscillators. 8 Waveforms. 3…
November 19, 2021
Arracis Gold
Arracis Gold is an oscillator stepping synthesizer.Its most significant feature is the 4 x 8 osc step-sequencer with…
November 19, 2021
Alphatron Pro was inspired by the idea of creating a synthesizer forbass and high sequences.Alphatron is not…
November 19, 2021
Daedalus VA synth. 2 Osc 2 LFO arpeggiator modulation options If you find yourself using Daedalus a lot…
November 18, 2021
EVM Moebius is a 2 oscillators arpeggiator synthersizer.It is capable of producing a large collection of different sounds…
November 16, 2021
Dream Sequencer
Dream Sequencer Dream Sequencer is for those simple deep bass sequences of the 70’s as produced by Tangerine Dream…
November 16, 2021