Bipro – The Low end fix unicorn magic thing…. Nah, it’s a low-end controller.
Bipro is a plugin with different tools to control the very low end, that is below 50Hz. It’s very common that mixes made with small speakers (6″ and even 8″ inch speakers) have problems in the low end simply because they’re not able to reproduce what’s going on down there. When you try to push a mix like that to compete with commercial levels it will start to sound bad and misbehave in all kind of ways. You can hear and see one example what can happen and how to use Bipro to fix that in the demonstration video below.
New in v2.0:
- Added Attack and Release to the dynamic section.
- Added another filter method to the dynamic section.
- Added LED indicators to give a fast visual if you actually attenuate or boost the low end.
- A new setting that apply a common mastering EQ technique to unmask content below 50Hz and give a feeling of more bass even though it’s less (use with care).