Author: freevst
FlyingTremolo FlyingTremolo is a classic stereo tremolo effect.The Stereo Tremolo, generates aliasing-free and analog feel volume modulation. Stereo widening effect…
Xoxos Ideal
Xoxos Ideal Ideal is a drum synthesizer.It uses 2d circular membrane synthesis. Visit: Xoxos Ideal
Digital Systemic Emulations – Synsonics-V
Synsonics-V Synsonics-V is a 1981’s analog drum pad emulation. The Synsonics was launched by Mattel in 1981 as a really…
Automatic Wahwah
Automatic Wahwah Automatic Wahwah is a classic 70’s Wahwah effect.Modelled from state of art analog time-varying-filter. Our Flying-Wahwah offers…
SuperflyDSP – FlyingChorus
FlyingChorus Host bpm synchronisation.Vst3 preset saving standard. SNR >120dB. Aliasing Free. No Oversampling nor downsampling. Visit: FlyingChorus
lostin70s – Keys of the 70s
Keys of the 70s Keys of the 70’s is a Keyboard wave synthesizer.It can play any type of samples….
lostin70s – HaNon B70
HaNon B70 HaNon B70 is a emulates the famous Hammond B3 drawbar organ coupled with a Leslie 122 rotating speaker.It’s…
Moonlab – Clean Shave
Clean Shave Clean Shave is a modern and variable-slope filter plugin that helps you get rid of the unnecessary low…
Arx One Arx One is a stereo imager.Mono compatibility is not important only for situations when you music is…
Flandersh Tech – Tonetta Blue
Tonetta Blue Tonetta Blue is a semi-modular 8-voices polyphonic synthesizer.The frontside spots two type of oscillators, each with…
Esline is a vintage Arp Solina String Ensemble emulation. ARP Solina is a multi-orchestral machine with violin, viola, trumpet,…
Electronik Sound Lab – RT-7070
RT-707 RT-7070 is a drum rompler inspired by the classic TR-707. It contains 20 drum kits: One original 707…
Stone Voices – Moss Equalizer
Moss Equalizer Moss Equalizer is an effective 265 band FFT equalizer. It is able to adjust levels in…
ChromaDSP – HarmonicReverb
HarmonicReverb HarmonicReverb is a dynamic reverb that enhances the harmonic content of the signal. The goal was not to…
Twin Reeler
Twin Reeler Twin Reeler is a reeling stereo vibrato produced by twisting the time scale with a different…
Bertom – Air Shelf
Air Shelf Air Shelf is a transient shaper. It isdesigned to shape your (very) high end, mostly above…
MOONI WIDER MOONI WIDER is a stereo enhancer / filter. XY Filter Control : LPF/HPF Fiter and Paning…