Author: freevst
Rhythms Rhythms is a completeelectronic drum kit.It features 6 stereo outputs you can select the output channel…
Micro Organ
Micro Organ Micro Organ is a classic organ module. 8 drawbars. 2 percussion switches. adjustable key click. Visit:…
String Sculptor
A Texture synth with the capability to create anything from a smooth mono pad to leads and host synced…
RMS1 RMS1 is a Mono/Poly Analogue Synth. 16 Note Polyphonic / Mono 3 Selectable Waveform Oscillators LFO Section…
Maelstrom Maelstrom is a 2 oscillators analog synthesizer with filter, ADSR env, modulation, etc.
Stereoizer Stereoizer is a simple plug-in that uses a modulated delay and amplitude modulation to create a stereo…
Mini-SE Mini-SE is a classic 3 oscillators analog synthesizer. 3 oscillators / 6 waveforms. Noise generator. Mod /…
ULTRAkILLER ULTRAkILLER is a hybrid synth using subtractive and/or additive synthesis.It has 2 oscillators, each of which offers…
S7 S7 is a very simple single oscillator synthesizer.A no frills easy to use analogue style synthesizer for…
VSCO2 Piccolo
VSCO2 Piccolo VSCO2 Piccolo is a sampled piccolo flute.Samples were recorded by Versilian Studios / Sam Gossner. Info : won’t…
RS Balance Pro
RS Balance Pro RS Balance Pro VST is a simple control of stereo panorama. Numeric display. Ability to…
DX Reverb Light
DX Reverb Light DX Reverb Light is a versatile reverb unit.DX Reverb Light provides astonishing quality and extreme flexibility,…
Stelsi Virtual Synth
Stelsi Virtual Synth Stelsi Virtual Synth is a wild and crazy virtual analogue synthesizer unlike any other.Stelsi Virtual Synth…
THriCe Free
THriCe Free THriCe is a 3 Oscillators hybrid synth. OSC 1: Waveforms: Saw, Sawx2, Square, Ramp, THriCe OSC….
Overtone GEQ
Overtone GEQ Overtone GEQ is a 7 band harmonic (overtone) graphic equalizer with multi-channel operation support (supporting up to…
Swierk Świerk is a relatively straight forward subtractive synthesizer with familiar sound generators, controls, routing, look and feel. 4…