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Author: freevst

BLEASS Monolit

BLEASS Monolit “BLEASS Monolit combines the rich analogue sound and intuitive ease-of-use of BLEASS Alpha with the creative expressiveness of BLEASS Omega. The result is…


Nasca Synth | Synth Granular “Nasca is an standalone tool application for Windows that employs Wavetable / Granular / Sample-based synthesis in two separate and…


PaulXStretch time stretching “PaulXStretch is designed for radical transformation of sounds. It is NOT suitable for subtle time or pitch correction. Ambient music and sound…

Oi, Grandad!

Oi, Grandad! Synth | Synth Granular Download Oi, Grandad!Synth | Synth Granular ‘Oi, Grandad! is a 4 voice granular synthesiser built with HISE. It features:…


Flipper Audio Tool | Phase Inverter Download FlipperAudio Tool | Phase Inverter “The Flipper flips signal polarity (misnomered often as “phase”). The positive parts of…


Axxeom Trollo is a MIDI key mapper.  User configurable keymaps. Mouse control of Pitchbend, modulation, aftertouch, etc. plus all MIDI CC messages. Sustain & Octave +-…

B-Step Sequencer

B-Step Sequencer B-Step Sequencer is a unique, powerful step sequencer plugin and standalone application for creating melodic loops, chord progressions, arpeggios, drum grooves, and basslines. B-Step Sequencer…

Syntronik 2 CS

ikmultimedia Seamlessly manage all your IK products The IK Product Manager gives you one central location to manage all the latest IK Multimedia products. It’s…