S c a t t e r S y n t h 6 4 Not quite yet another synthesizer with a modulation “matrix”…Nervertheless, it is…
M u l t i S y n t h 6 4 It replaces the unique synth module of the UniSynth by up to 32 ones, each…
uniphase 64 A&B Simple multichannel phaser with linear or chaotic distribution of the frequency values above up to 64 channels.There is two versions, named A…
U n i F I R 6 4 Thanks to the incredible SE modules from Elena Design an FFT based all-channels filter (multi-mono). It can…
U n i T i l t 6 4 Simple application of the Tilt EQ principle to up to 64 channels in parallel. Nothing fancy…
U n i Q 6 4 Simple multichannel wraping of RH Biquad Filter.There is already some excellent free 64 channels EQ (MCFX, IEM) but sometimes…
S p a c e d C o m p 1 6 16 channels dynamic compressor with separated settings for each channel and visual spatial…
U n i C o m p 6 4 Basic 64 channels compressor-limiter-expander.I confess that I am very far from being a compression lover (be it dynamic, bit rate or…
DynaMover 64 Based on the same UI and engine provided by the Scatter series, it allows to control how a bunch of LFOs (64…) modulate 64 channels’…
Unigain 64 It would be hard to make a simpler plugin : only one controller for 1 to 64 channels levels !But it can be…