Author: freevst
TimeShifter TimeShifter is a stereo groove shifting delay. Visit: TimeShifter
Delay A simple delay effect with the key features you need for a smooth and elegant result.
WatKat WatKat is a digital clone of a Wem Watkins Custom Copicat tape echo unit.It sounds very lo-fi,…
THIS GOES TO 127 THIS GOES TO 127! is a MIDI velocity maximizer. THIS GOES TO 127! is…
Daf Daf is a sampled Persian drum featuring a MIDI file player.Daf is a Persian frame drum with small…
SequencAir SequencAir is a step sequencer/synthesizer.It is written in native C++ code for high performance and extremely low…
Harvest Mini
Harvest Mini Harvest Mini generates melodies, chord progressions, and drum beats.It control your VST instruments and create randomized…
HarmonicReverb HarmonicReverb is a dynamic reverb that enhances the harmonic content of the signal.The goal was not to emulate…
Waylomodelay88 Waylomodelay88 is a modulation plugin producing chorus and phaser effects.There are 8 bands of delay. The delay times…
Analog Obsession – Chopa
Chopa Chopa is a tremolo and chopper effects.Easy to use with easy on eyes GUI design. Simple and effective!…
Ripchord Ripchord is a simple MIDI plugin for creating and remixing chord progressions.It lets you easily map multiple…
SevenDelay SevenDelay is a stereo delay using 7th order Lagrange interpolated fractional delay. It is 7 times oversampled….
Stupider Simpler Sampler
Stupider Simpler Sampler Stupider Simpler Sampler from BipTunia Synths is by FAR the easiest to use sampler there is….
SyncSawSynth SyncSawSynth is a synthesizer equipped with up to 10th order PTR sawtooth oscillator.PTR stands for polynomial transition regions…
Mod Synth Mono
Mod Synth Mono ModSynthMono is a monophonic synthesizer inspired by EMS SynthiA, Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 and Oberheim Xpander.It has…
RD-19 Drum Module
RD-19 Drum Module RD-19 Drum Module is a drum synth that can deliver almost anyclassic analog drum…
Analog Obsession – DoDoD
DoDoD DoDoD is a DOD 250 style overdrive/booster pedal.Gain and Level controls allow you to control the amount of…