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Author: freevst

Blue Goofer 

Blue Goofer  Blue Goofer now is a smooth overdrive amp and sounds great before a clean amp. RBR CONTACT INFO You can reach me at runbeerrun2…


EcolooP EcolooP is a sampler tool that integrated some originals functions for recreating a new loop, pattern or song by recycling recorded sounds or by importing…


Bipro Bipro – The Low end fix unicorn magic thing…. Nah, it’s a low-end controller. Bipro is a plugin with different tools to control the…

SoundBytes Wusik Station 8

SoundBytes Wusik Station 8 SoundBytes Wusik Station 8 is a virtual instrument rompler from Wusik. It comes with 1 GB of sound content and with a bonus additional  500 MB…


TORERO THE ORGAN (FREE VERSION)The free version of the organ is fully functional, it takes all the functions of the original organ, 5 sounds and…