SEGX2 is a smooth dual band expander gate. SEGX2 operates always with soft knee which starts at the threshold point. Signal above the threshold passes thru…
Chopper Chopper is a pattern controlled gate.When used on a stereo track you can widen the sound by delaying the right channel or by using the…
Efektor Silencer is a dual / mono noise gate processor. Smooth and precise noise gating effect via 3 knobs. Useful dual / mono mode. Bypass switch button.
MicroGater is a simple MIDI gate with invert button and ASR envelope.In normal mode it works as a regular gate, in inverted mode when you play a…
Modern De-Esser is a classic de-esser. Power On/Off button Gain Reduction meter include Threshold, Ratio, Width, Release controls Freq control (3000 to 9999 Hz) Output level…
GetaBlitch Jr. is a sequenced gate effect.It is different from traditional “trance gates” in two significant ways: first, it uses MIDI to sequence the gate, rather than…
LSGate is a sequential step gate.It can be used to add rythmic patterns to your audio or a smooth tremelo as well.
killerGATE+ combines many synths elements into a handy multi-effects unit.It should be used as an insert effect. expanded GATE State-Variable Filter with resonance, Distortion with Wet/Dry mix…
mgTriggerGate is a sequenced gate.Similar to the trancegate effect found in reFX’ Vanguard, it has a little 16 step sequencer for trigger impulses and is syncable…
The Bob Perry Gate is a noise gate with side chaining and the choice between 3 distinct algorithms. 3 distinct algorithms. Optional Real Sidechaining. Easy-to-use Graphical User…