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Author: freevst



GClip GClip is a wave-shaping signal clipper.It prevents the signal level from exceeding a specified maximum. The clipping function used can be altered to have a…



RoboDrum is a 4 voice Drum Synth. 2 Osc. per Voice. Pitch and Volume Release. Ringmod. HP, LP and Moog Filter. Visit: RoboDrum

4font piano free vst plugin

4Front Piano

4Front Piano This is a small and versatile upright piano module with unique sound. This piano module is neither a sample player, nor synthesized. It’s a hybrid…

B-Line 303 vst plugins free ableton

B-Line 303

B-Line 303 is a monophonic dual oscillator bass line synthesizer.
B-Line 303 captures the vibe and sound of classic EDM and Acid techno music synthesizers from the 70’s and 80’s. B-Line 303 includes our new synth engine and gives producers new unique abilities to shape their sounds.

System One E vst plugins free best

System One E

System One E is a  Buchla modular emulation.This emulation is inspired by the real unit circuits but is not aiming to sound accurate to the hardware synth.…