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Author: freevst

Xtrabits Q 3


Q Q is a multi-synthesis hybrid synth. 2x virtual analog oscillators 1x phase distortion oscillator 1x FM-Oscillator containing 5 operators Oscillators can be routed to amp directly…

Cedr 3


Cedr Cedr is a 2 oscillator subtractive synthesizer with a 16 step pitch sequencer. The sequencer can also be fed to several other of the synthesizer’s…

Mabento 2

Makunouchi Bento

Makunouchi Bento Makunouchi Bento ring-modulates incoming audio with sine waves of continuously varying frequency.The resultruns  through a state-variable filter. It can often produce unexpected effects, from stuttering…

Autodafe Synth 3

Autodafe Synth

Autodafe Synth the Autodafe Synth, a 3 osc. analog synth. 3 OSC, each one with ADSR control and Level 3 Filters (LP, HP, BP, BR, Notch) and…

Easyq 2


EasyQ EasyQ is an easy-to-use equalizer with an arbitrary number of filter stages in series connection.Each of the filter stages can operate in one of the following…

Brainkillermini 3


BRAINkILLERmini BRAINkILLERmini is a virtual analog synth, including big unison and built-in distortion effect. 2 oscillators with Saw, Pulse and Ramp waveforms. Noise oscillator. Low CPU…

Smallqoo 2


SmallQoo SmallQoo is a 8 voice poly Compact Synth. 8 voice polyphonic VSTi (for windows only). 1 AntiAliased OSC with flex PWM. 1 HP/BP/LP Filter. 1…

Simplesynth 2

Simple Synth

Simple Synth Simple Synth generates a suprising variety of audio synthesis.With minimal controls, it’s capable of a large gradient of smooth to harsh sounds.

Nero 3


Nero Nero is a mono synthesizer for bass, lead and sequenced sounds.Its strength is in the OSC section which features two internally synced oscillators capable of creating,…