Author: freevst
Bus Compressor
Bus Compressor Bus Compressor is a stereo bus compressor. Visit: Bus Compressor
Thrillseeker VBL
Thrillseeker VBL Thrillseeker VBL is an emulation of a vintage broadcast limiter following the classic Variable-Mu design principles from…
Steady Pro Bundle
Steady Pro Bundle Steady Pro works as a smooth auto leveler, or see it as a expander/limiter with some…
Quo panner
Quo panner Quo is simple “stage” panner. It place two virtual microphones to simulate virtual stage. It does…
LA school esquire limiter
LA school esquire limiter LA school esquire limiter is a envelope / pumping limiter.The esquire limiter uses two…
Sender Spike – SN02 G VU Meter
Sender Spike – SN02 G VU Meter SN02-G is a no frills mono/stereo/mid-side needle VU meter VST plug-in. It features…
Analog Obsession – Konsol
Analog Obsession – Konsol Analog Obsession – Konsol Konsol is a 3 Model mixing console bus with transformer, bus…
Bertom Denoiser
Bertom Denoiser Bertom Denoiser is a noise reduction plugin designed for music and post-production / dialogue. A simple user…
Audio Anoraks – Smiley
Audio Anoraks – Smiley When Smiley is happy, it basically boosts hi & low frequencies of your mix and master; when…
Analog Obsession – Kolin
Analog Obsession – Kolin I Hear You On the Radio!These were the top of the line vari-mu limiters and they…
8bit synth
8bit synth 8bit synth is an emulation of the Famicom / NES psg sounds. Visit: 8bit Synth