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Author: freevst

Uhgampmfjv 3


UHG2Amp UHG2Amp is an ultra high gain guitar amp simulator.Renaming the .vst3 extension to .dll will cause this plugin to be loaded as VST2, but with many…

Morphiza2 3

Morphiza Mk2

Morphiza Mk2 An update to the original and popular Morphiza.This version is a cousin to S3O. Designed to capture the sounds of the transistor organs of…

The Deputy 3

The deputy Mark II

The deputy Mark II The deputy Mark II is a plug-in in the tradition of classic string machines and early polyphonic synthesizers, written in native C++ code…

Mokafix Monkey Orchestra 3

Monkey Orchestra

Monkey Orchestra Monkey Orchestra is a synth based on a piano string structure model.It has 88 independant keys. 10 lowest trigger 1 string, 18 next trigger…

Sturiophonia 3


Sturiophonia Sturiophonia is a stereo image widener and sound placement tool. The aim of the plugin is to increase the stereo image of mono tracks and help…

Srg 3

SuperRiff Guitar

SuperRiff Guitar SuperRiff Guitar contains a set of custom distorted electric guitar note samples.At present SRG contains only 1 soundbank of samples. Each note on a keyboard from…

Sx36 3


SX36 SX36 is a 3 band stereo processor.It separates input audio into low, mid and high frequencies and let’s you manipulate their stereo properties – width…

Lisc Verb 3


Liść-verb Liść-verb is a multimode reverb and delay effect.Liść-verb is a great effect for creating space. From simple ambience or suggesting a sounds physical boundaries to…