Clap of Luxury Clap of Luxury can virtually produce any synthetic clap sound in existence.It uses a syncable noise algorithm, precisely amplified and applied to 3 filters.…
RoomMachine 844 RoomMachine 844. Room reverb simulator.Already a classic and in a class of its own, it simulates rooms the physical way. Two virtual loudspeakers and two…
Nastyshaper This plugin will distort your audio subtly or to the extreme ! Pre and Post gain knobs 3 different waveshaping functions. Shape 1 has 4 stages,…
Sylix Sylix is a hybrid stepseq synthesizer with FM and RM. 4 oscillators with 32 waveforms. 2 lfos with phase and 20 shapes and modulation options. 2…
P-T-Q P-T-Q is a Pultec type equaliser. It is a single channel EQ strip influenced by the original Pultec Type EQ’sP-T-Q has 0 to +10dB range…
SampleReducer SampleReducer simply reduce the samplerate of a track
PERCU PERCU is a synthesizer of percussions, Vco modulation to the sample, etc… 11 instruments 1 wave player 1 vco 3 filters 3 envelope generators complete…
SL532 SL532 is based off of the standard console EQ module found on a “5000 series” modern console.The SL532 provides the features found on the original hardware. …
Techno Snare Techno Snare VSTi have 512 techno snares.You have possibility to filter high frequency of any bank and to mix sounds together to create snare…
Modern Monoizer Modern Monoizer is a stereo tool. Power On/Off button Mid gain control (0 to +12 dB) Side filter control Highpass Filter (20 Hz to…