Author: freevst
Youlean Loudness Meter
Youlean Loudness Meter helps you find the true perceived loudness of your audio and prepares it for TV or…
Smacklabs – SL473
SL473 is a vintage vinyl disc cutting compressor. Based off of a VCA design, this compressor has a…
UnplugRed – VU
VU is a VU meter… Stereo (dual) and mono (singular) modes. Scalable ui. True RMS metering. Adjustable reaction…
VS1 oscilloscope
VS-1 / oscilloscope, stereo synthesizer. Mono/polyphonic. 3 Oscillators. 2 Filters. 4 ADSR envelopes with synchronization of initial impulses….
Fruitymasterz – Hercules V2
Fruitymasterz – Hercules V2 2 oscillators. 2 LFOs. ADSR env. Filter env. Pitch env. Delay / chorus….
Amplifikation Lite
Kuassa Amplifikation Lite enables you to create ultra-realistic sounding guitar sounds by simply plugging your guitar to your computers…
AradazAmp Green
AradazAmp Green is a guitar amp simulator. Visit: AradazAmp Green
RetroBandlite The ConceptRetroBand models several aspects of the interaction between gain stages and transformers of analogue gear,…
StudioDevil BVC v.1.1
Studio Devil BVC (British Valve Custom) is a guitar tube amplifier modeling plug-in that is designed to mimic…
FreeAmp 2.5
Free amp 2 is a synthedit amp simulation VST with a lot of effect (delay, chorus, flanger phaser..)and numerous great…
JCM800 Hot Preamp
JCM800 Hot Preamp is an emulation of a preamplifier stage of one of the famous Marshall tube head for…
FreeAmp SE v1.5
Free Amp SE is a freeware virtual guitar setup for Windows. Features: Choose from seven different amps types….
Knuckle Head
Knuckle Head is a guitar amp head capable of tones that range from sweet, glistening cleans to SRV and…
Brackenbury Tube Amplifier
Brackenbury Amplifier is based on The Brackenbury-1 Tube Amplifier designed in the early 90’s.Featuring most controls found on regular…