Author: freevst

Posted in Synth Synthesizer


Ganymed Ganymed can be described best as a complex modulation sequence synth based on 3 operator FM synthesis….

Posted in Effect Modulator

DD Chorus

DD Chorus DD Chorus is a chorus effect.

Posted in Synth Synthesizer


KWave KWave is a morphing additive synthesizer. It gives you the ability to morph between the waveforms using Envelope…

Posted in Effect Modulator


maDulation maDulation is a modulation toolbox. Bandpass filter. Drive. Mono / stereo switch. Visit: maDulation

Posted in Synth Synthesizer


FMetal FMetal is a deceptively simple, but powerful FM synth for creating all kinds of usable metal Synth sounds,…

Posted in MIDI


Harmonyzer Harmonyzer add several chord notes played on a dedicated split part of the keyboard (left hand) to the solo…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer

Xen-FMTS 2

Xen-FMTS 2 Xen-FMTS 2 is a 4 Operator FM Synthesis VSTi with a specialized set of features for computer…

Posted in Monophonic Synth Synthesizer

Mormox Imitate

Mormox Imitate Mormox Imitate is an emulation of a new hardware synth from Greece, called Murmux Initate. 2 OSC with…

Posted in Effect


SpinBug SpinBug combines a traditional rotary speaker effect with a set of new possibilities and parameters.All is packaged into…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer


Brzoza Brzoza is a 2 operator, 6 modulator FM synth. Each operator has 3 modulators each. 2 operators…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer


CyRinx CyRinx is a Synton Syrinx emulation.This emulation is inspired by the real unit circuits but is not…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer

Rave Generator 2

Rave Generator 2 Rave Generator 2 is an upgrade of Rave Generator: a rompler with a lot…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer


Odyssey This VSTi plugin is a recreation of the famous ARP Odyssey.It has exactly the same interface and…

Posted in Orchestra

VSCO2 Glockenspiel

VSCO2 Glockenspiel VSCO2 Glockenspiel is a sampled glockenspiel.Samples were recorded by Versilian Studios / Sam Gossner. Info : won’t work…

Posted in Synth Synthesizer


Q Q is a multi-synthesis hybrid synth. 2x virtual analog oscillators 1x phase distortion oscillator 1x FM-Oscillator containing 5…

Posted in Effect Modulator

DD Phaser

DD Phaser DD Phaser is a synchronized phaser effect.

Posted in Arp Sequencer Synth Synthesizer


Cedr Cedr is a 2 oscillator subtractive synthesizer with a 16 step pitch sequencer. The sequencer can also…

Posted in Effect Modulator

Makunouchi Bento

Makunouchi Bento Makunouchi Bento ring-modulates incoming audio with sine waves of continuously varying frequency.The resultruns  through a state-variable filter….

Posted in Synth Synthesizer

Autodafe Synth

Autodafe Synth the Autodafe Synth, a 3 osc. analog synth. 3 OSC, each one with ADSR control and Level…

Posted in EQ Frequency


EasyQ EasyQ is an easy-to-use equalizer with an arbitrary number of filter stages in series connection.Each of the filter…