Author: freevst
COLDkILLERmini COLDkILLERmini is a drawable waveform additive synth.Its additive oscillator has 31 partials and a range of editing…
VSCO2 Flute
VSCO2 Flute VSCO2 Flute is a sampled flute.Samples were recorded by Versilian Studios / Sam Gossner. Info : won’t work…
Woo Woo is a vocal theremin where you control the pitch and vowel sound using the mouse in the…
Inzane Inzane is a hybrid stepseq synthesizer with sync, FM and RM. 3 oscillators with 32 raw waveforms. Ctrl…
DA-01 DA-01 is a mono / duophonic analog synth.It has a charm and sound of it’s own because…
EDP4 EDP4 is an electronic drum pad synthesizer.It is based on the workings of various vintage drum pad synths….
Kristal audio engine v.1.01
Kristal audio engine v.1.01 KRISTAL Audio Engine is a powerful multi-track recorder, audio sequencer and mixer.Ideal for anyone…
Kx-PolyMod A vintage analog modular with matrix and SF2 player. Stereo routing. Up to 6 voices. 15*12 Matrix…
8X8CC plus
8X8CC plus 8X8CC plus is a 8 osc. analog synth.It is made to create sounds hearing like classical…
Analog Voice
Analog Voice Analog Voice is vintage style subtractive synthesis synthesizer with extended possibilites of modulation. It has 4 types…
Stepper Stepper is a little step sequencer that outputs MIDI notes periodically in 16 steps.You can of course synchronize…
KXOMNI-600 V3 KXOMNI-600 is an analog and phase distortion synthesizer with KXMOD system.Each Layer (the plugin is stereo) is…
Dreamer This synth uses 4 oscs and 4 for the phase mod. flanger filter crosser pannerfilter slicer volume slicer…
JunkMaster Combines digital logic with extreme pitch modulation.Sounds like junk. Same old square “knobs”.
The Dodeca 258c
The Dodeca 258c The Dodeca 258c is a Buchla Dodeca emulation.This emulation is inspired by the real unit circuits…