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Author: freevst

CECILIA v2.0.5

CECILIA v2.0.5 Cecilia is a graphic user interface for the sound synthesis and sound processing package Csound. Cecilia enables the user to build very quickly…

Jokosher v.0.11

Jokosher v.0.11 Jokosher is a simple and powerful multi-track studio. Jokosher provides a complete application for recording, editing, mixing and exporting audio, and has been specifically designed with…

svartracker v.1.22

svartracker v.1.22 Advanced music creation tool. Next generation of trackers. Modular virtual studio. FEATURES: Compatibility with thousands of virtual instruments – can load VST, VSTi,…

RaX’n’TraX v.1.6.0

RaX’n’TraX v.1.6.0 size 12.2 MB RaX’n’TraX is a pattern-based composition tool with linear sequencing and recording capabilities. Features: Modular: Racks, synth-layering, 8 insert effects. Connections between…