by SynArp
Feature/Online Manual
ArpLite2 treat an input chord as one block, and generate an arpeggio by expanding a block with an octave.
Choose a range of an arpeggio among 1-5 octaves.
Set the amount of octave of an arpeggio in a range of a +-2 octave.
Switch it on, the order of input-notes-block is just reflected by an arpeggio.
Switch it on, sort an input notes for all octaves.
When a range of a input-note-block is beyond an octave, an arpeggio sequence changes.
Reverse a form of an arpeggio.
Make an arpeggio a form in palindo.
It is a simple random pattern.
[Bpm]/[Sync](except free-version)
Tempo (bpm) setting, Sync to a host.
Set Quantize of an arpeggio.
[Duration %]
Set note-Duration in percentage of a Quantize set point.
[mono-tie](except free-version)
Mono-phonic pronunciation, the consecutive same note is tied up.
[input-hold](except free-version)
Hold the input notes.