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Analog Obsession – VariMoon

Analog Obsession - VariMoon

Analog Obsession – Britpressor

VariMoon is a Fairchild 660 style vari-mu limiting amplifier.
Holy & Simple
Famous 660 compressor/limiter’s limited version with easy to use layout.
True Component & Circuit Modeling
Re-drawing and designing original circuit carefully and emulated original fingerprint of gear with our technology. Carefully designed transformers and tubes.
Input & Output
Controlling input & output signals of plugins.Input knob will affect to compression and harmonic distortion and also character of plugin.
Controls compression time of plugin.6 position stepped knob to control release time. 4 fixed and 2 automatic control.
DC Threshold
Controls compression character.Changing character compressor to limiter. (Smooth compression to hard limination)
AC Threshold
Controls compression level. When it’s at default position,level is around -4dB.

Visit: VariMoon

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