Free VST2 / VST3 Mono Sequencer Synth plugin for Windows by OVM PLUGIN.
Mute : Set step silent when unchecked.
Note : Set note pitch (-48 to 48 semitone range).
Gate : Modify Note length (Increase or decrease value).
Slide : Tied notes (see Right panel).
Div : number of division per beat (1 = quarter note, 2 = 1/8th note…).
Step : from 1 to 16 step loop.
Dir : Forward / Backward / Pendulum playback direction, relative to step loop.
Swing : Shuffle feel for division 2 and 4 (1/8th and 1/16th).
Slide : Long = TB303 like (tied notes), Short = individual step Glide.
Harmo : Harmonize sequence in Major or Minor scale with each diatonic note corresponding to its own mode, and non-diatonic notes harmonized with diminished intervals. Minor scale borrow the 5th mode of harmonic minor scale (Dominant phrygian). Interval change are not displayed.
Key : Harmonizer key (see Record).
Shift : Move pitch step by step on the right.
Auto : Shift on each new note.
REC : Record sequence with a MIDI Keyboard. Semitone 0 corresponds to selected Key within the 4th octave (A4 to Ab4).
Reset all sequencer parameters at once to default value.
Mute : Random mute probability (long slide may yield unpredictable results).
Length : Random gate value probability.
Oct : Random octave probability (-1 octave or +1 octave). Each one may be deactivated.
(- / + buttons).
Scale : Scale choice for randomizer (1st step is always 0, randomizer create a random pitch sequence in the given scale on other step).
Trigger : Trigger a new sequence.
Auto : Trigger on each new note.
Pattern or Song mode : Select one of the two mode.
Choice : Select one of the 8 pattern to program.
Copy / Paste : Copy and paste between pattern for fast programmation.
Pattern length = Set 1 or 2 bars (depends on step length, regardless of direction).
Chain from 2 to 8 different pattern (click on the small numbers to set the loop).
Select : Click on each box to select one of the 8 pattern to be played.
Root : Select the root note for each pattern in the song loop (-12 to 12 semitone range).
Waveform : Two oscillators (A / B) waveform list.
Vol / Semi / On : Volume, Semitone range and On/Off for each (A / B).
Mod : Modifier for each waveform : Waveshaper for Sine, Quantizer for Triangle and Ramp, PWM for Square and Pulse, Detune for SuperSaw (none for Noise).
Fat or Stereo : Stereo spread for each oscillator.
Fine : Unison Fine detuning.
Sync : Fixed rate LFO detunes slave osc B synced by master osc A (not for SuperSaw B).
Zap : Short pitch effect.
FM : Osc A modulator, Osc B carrier (not for Super Saw).
Filter type : Select one of the filter in the list.
Cutoff : Filter cutoff frequency.
Reso : Filter resonance.
Atk / Dec / EG : Filter envelope Attack / Decay / Amount (EG = Envelope Generator).
LFO / Rate : Filter LFO amount and rate (rate also applies to Sub filter, not the amount).
Pan / Rate : Auto-Pan.
OD / Gain : Overdrive.
Chorus / Phaser with Rate : Chorus or Phaser effect (click on the small button to select).
Delay / Speed / Feedback : Select Mono or Stereo delay (small button).
Reverb / Time : Reverb amount and time (in second).
Gate / Master : Oscillators note length and global volume (osc + sub).
C / SUB.
On / Off button.
Gate / Level / Waveform / Octave / Fine : Note length / Volume / Saw or Pulse /.
Osc B -1 octave (unchecked) / Unison fine detuning.
Track : Follow or not Pitch and Mute sequence.
Filter controls : Cutoff / Resonance / Envelope Decay + Amount (EG) / LFO amount.