THriCe Free
THriCe is a 3 Oscillators hybrid synth.
- OSC 1: Waveforms: Saw, Sawx2, Square, Ramp, THriCe OSC.
- OSC 2: Waveforms: Sine, Saw, Triangle, Square, THriCe OSC.
- OSC 3: Waveforms: Saw, Sawx2, Square, Ramp, Detuned OSC.
- THriCe OSCillator is a dedicated FM OSC. Detuned is a Unison OSC.
- Each OSC has its own individual StepSeq LFO filter modulation.
- One multiband filter block per OSC plus a moog-like main filter.
- A main LFO to give more life to patches.
- Velocity gater with adjustable timing and random sequence creation.
- Internal sequencer with adjustable sequence length, speed, scale and random feature.
- Three more random options for patch creation. Filter, Filter Seq or Full synth.
- A main complete FX section with random features.