AnaMark is a 3 osc analog synth.
Important note: First run InstallAnaMark225cPart2.exe. During the setup process you are asked to provide the AnaMark.dll file which can be found in the AnaMark_dll folder.
- 545 Factory Presets.
- Generation of random Presets.
- Four part multi-timbral (mono-timbral mode available).
- Polyphonic (16 voices) and monophonic.
- 52 basic waveforms.
- 3 Modulatable oscillators with feedback and oversampling.
- Each OSC may use one of the basic waveforms or a combination of two, which leads to more than possible 2000 basic waveforms per OSC. 21 Types of synthesis (e.g. additive, ring modulation, FM, XFM, PM, etc.).
- Extended waveshaper.
- 8 modulatable filter types (Lowpass, highpass, notch, etc.).
- Additionally a filter-independent resonator.
- Modulation sources: High-flexible LFO, Envelopes and Combiners as well as MIDI-Events (Velocity, note, MIDI control changes, Aftertouch, etc.) and random.
- 11 Effects (Delays/Reverbs, Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, EQ); 2 Effects can be serialized.
- HighQuality-Function.
- All time-parameters/FX (e.g. modulation speed) can be fix or synchronized to MIDI.
- Support for micro tuning: Scala, Tuning files, MIDI SysEx.
- Pitch-bending, portamento.
- Fully skinable.
Visit: AnaMark