Euthymia Electronic Organ
Euthymia Electronic Organ V2 is a VST HAMMOND organ clone.
The Euthymia Organ is a Hammond Clone Simulation. Clean Sine Drawbars for 2 Manuals and Bass Pedals, 2 Percussion Oscs with the 9 “Standard” Harmonics, a Key Click Imitation, Vibrato/Chorus, the Overdrive and all the work behind the Graphics made this instrument more professional.
- 147 Notes Polyphony.
- 9 Steps Drawbars.
- 9 “Standard” Drawbars for the Upper Manual, 9 for the Lower and 4 for the Pedal (16′, 5 1/3′, 8′, 4′) with a Clean Sine Sound.
- 2 Percussion Oscs with the 9 “Standard” Harmonics. Adjustable Decay and Level. A Knob switches Off/On.
- Key Click Imitation (for both Manuals). Adjustable Attack/Release, Carrier and Level.
- Vibrato/Chorus. Adjustable Mix, Speed, Depth and Delay. A Knob works as a Selector between Vibrato and Chorus. 2 Knobs are available for Off/On. One for the Upper and one for the Lower Manual.
- Midi Channel Selectors for the 2 Manuals and the Pedal.
- Adjustable High, Tone, Tune and Level.
- 32 Programms available.
- A LCD Screen.
- Vintage Look GUI.
- Low CPU consumption.